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Recording permission


Hello - In the past the way the settings were, I was able to record my meeting as host to my laptop and participants could not record.  While I was checking my settings the other day, I discovered that now there is just one toggle for local recording for both hosts and participants.  Then there is something underneath saying "allow host to give permission to participant to record."   If the toggle is enabled to allow recording to my laptop, will participants also be able to record without my permission?   I do not want participants to be able to record but I want to be able to record to my laptop.  How can I accomplish this?


Community Champion | Customer
Community Champion | Customer

Welcome to the Zoom Community, @Steno-33.  Sorry for not seeing your post earlier. 

With Allow host to give permission to participant to record enabled, participants must individually request permission from the host. There are several scenarios where attendees can be enabled to record locally, but the host can start a local recording or a cloud recording any time – but not both simultaneously. 

Ray -- check out the GoodClix website or the Z-SPAN website.