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Re: Recurring meetings at any time


Hi there! Is the "no fixed time" option usually available on the desktop client? As fas as I can tell it only appears on the web interface. Not a biggie but just a bit annoying...



Community Champion | Customer
Community Champion | Customer

Hi, @mcbt81,


You're correct... No Fixed Time does not appear as a Recurrence option on the Zoom client app:



I'm not sure why, and agree it seems odd.  I decided to compare what is on the desktop app vs the web portal for adding a meeting, and the following are also missing or different from the desktop app:

  • Meeting Description box - missing from client
  • On the client it's a from start time to end time; on the web, it's a start time and a duration
  • Registration Required - missing from client
  • Template selection - missing from client
  • Calendar - this option is on the desktop, and might be the key to why there is no "No Fixed Time" entry on the desktop
  • Under Advanced Options, Breakout Room Pre-Assign is missing on desktop

Knowing that the web portal interface is more complete, I do most of my Meeting and Webinar creations there.  But I'm surprised at the number of differences, now that I've looked at it!

Ray -- check out the GoodClix website or the Z-SPAN website.


I agree - would be nice to have a complete set of options on the desktop client! Here's hoping for an update!

Community Champion | Customer
Community Champion | Customer


Here's where you can help by making a Feature Request to the Zoom team: 

Ray -- check out the GoodClix website or the Z-SPAN website.