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Profile image not showing now when video is turned off


My profile picture is no longer showing when I turn my video off or is already off when entering a room or meeting. How do I get the profile pic to show again and not just have my name?



If you click the Security button in Zoom's toolbar you'll see a Hide Profile Pictures option. If this is option is checked, uncheck it to display profile photos when the video is off.

I can't find a security button in the toolbar when I'm called into a zoom meeting hosted by others.

Same with me. I don't see the security button.


I cannot find this screen on windows 11 app help. it just suddenly disappeared


I tried that but it did not show me in the zoom session


Is this screen just for hosts? I don’t have it on my zoom app on my Mac when I am in a meeting


 I just posted a question regarding my video disappearing, first intermittently, then permanently, on my Chrome device. Your answer on the 15th applies to a Profile Picture which isn't quite the same problem, but related. Perhaps you can help.  Thanks

Your profile picture on your Zoom account is the image that is used when your video is off in a meeting. Make sure you have a profile picture uploaded, sign-out of the Zoom Chrome app, then sign-back in. 

There may be other reasons that your profile picture does not appear in a meeting when your video is off. As Tim mentioned, the host may have disabled them from being used in the meeting or the host is utilizing Focus mode

Under Security I do not have the option to show/unshow the profile picture - even when I am the host. Also, my profile picture used to be shown most of the times when I turned my camera off, now it is never shown no matter who hosts the meeting. This has been the case for a couple of weeks/maybe month(s). Was there a major update regarding the display of profile pictures?

Sounds like my problem for the past 2 weeks. I can see my clients but my video of myself is not shown. How do we correct this???



It is the same with what Tamara6 said...

I do not have the option to show/unshow the profile picture - even when I am the host. Also, my profile picture used to be shown most of the times when I turned my camera off, now it is never shown no matter who hosts the meeting. This has been the case for a couple of weeks/maybe month(s). Was there a major update regarding the display of profile pictures?"

Please help...this has been the case for many months with me.

Thank you!


This just started with my Zoom tonight. My version of Zoom is up to date. Nothing at my end has changed. I'm using it on a Mac Monterey, through the Zoom app, which is also the latest version.

Ditto, but mine has never worked over the past year. I don’t have a security button either


I have the same issue. I have a profile picture that has always shown when I turn my camera off but it stopped today. Yesterday it was in and out, if I left a meeting and came back it would show up. But today it is not, no matter what meeting I am in or how many times I leave and come back...

Actually, I just tried to enter a meeting using a link sent to me in an email Vs a link that was posted in Slack and when I used the link sent to me in an email my profile picture appears when I turn my camera off but when I use the link from Slack it does not. Both links point to the same room but the link in my email does not require me to enter a passcode so they were made slightly differently. So in my case it seems to be the method by which I enter a room that determines whether or not my profile image appears when I turn my camera off.

Additionally, from my perusing on the support forum, this seems to be affecting many Mac users as of this last week. We are far from the only ones experiencing this strange anomaly.

Same thing is happening with me starting today.  

same here if I join someone else zoom and hide my camera profile pic shows i it is my zoom meeting and I hide video  only shows black screen with my name 

As discussed below, make sure you're actually signed in to Zoom.  If you join the meeting as a guest, you just get your name on a black background.  If you already joined a meeting as a guest, on a Mac laptop you can use the Log In option in the '' menu to log in, and that should change your name to your profile picture.


Likewise; my profile picture won't come up when video is off, I can't find any security button, and none of the suggestions attached below work. I've been through all of the settings, advanced settings, etc.  Why can't anyone in Zoom or the community respond to this?


Log in to Zoom web portal. Settings > In Meeting (Basic) > Hide participant profile pictures in a meeting. Toggle it off.

I tried that already and it did not work. Will try again though


Community Moderator | Employee
Community Moderator | Employee

Hi @wiliamyates, can you confirm that you are logged in to your Zoom account before you start the meeting?


If you are logged in to the correct account and are still having issues, can you please uninstall and reinstall the Zoom app.


Let me know how it goes!

Zoom Community Team

Carla (she/her/hers)
Zoom Community Team
Have you heard of Zoom AI Companion?


that didn't work for me either...



Community Moderator | Employee
Community Moderator | Employee

Hi everyone!

If you are experiencing issues where your profile picture is not appearing during Zoom meetings, follow the steps outlined in this article to troubleshoot: Troubleshooting profile picture issues 


I hope this helps!

Zoom Community Team

Carla (she/her/hers)
Zoom Community Team
Have you heard of Zoom AI Companion?

CarlaA... these instructions do not help. when I have my video off, on my desktop client, in an active meeting, and I click on my video tile, there is no option to ADD PROFILE PICTURE. I have a profile picture in place and it would show just fine when my video was off, but it has recently started NOT showing when my video is off, even in meetings that I host, with that option for profiles pictures to be displayed in the "ON" mode. This is very frustrating and I have spent a LOT of time trying to figure it out. I don't know what changed in the Zoom software with the latest update, but it has certainly caused this new bug and it's generating a lot of unhappiness. Photo attached that shows the menu I get when I click on my video tile in Video Off mode.

Community Moderator | Employee
Community Moderator | Employee

Hi @npenn99,!

To make sure that your profile picture will show up during meetings, kindly ensure that you are signed in to your Zoom account before starting or joining a Zoom meeting. When you’re signed in, your profile picture will appear because it’s connected to your Zoom account. When you’re not signed in to Zoom when you join a meeting, your profile picture will not appear; you are a guest user, which does not have a profile picture.

If you are signed in to your Zoom app but still having issues, please uninstall and reinstall the Zoom app by following the instructions on this page. Uninstalling and reinstalling the Zoom application and then seeing if that resolves the issue. 


Let me know!

Zoom Community Team

Carla (she/her/hers)
Zoom Community Team
Have you heard of Zoom AI Companion?

CarlaA... I have tried all the recommended fixes. Nothing works. No picture comes up when my video is off. I believe this issue has something to do with Mac users and started in late Nov 2022. Everyone in our office is having the same issue, we are all on macs.

Make sure you're actually signed in to Zoom.  If you join the meeting as a guest, you just get your name on a black background.  If you already joined a meeting as a guest, on a Mac laptop you can use the Log In option in the '' menu to log in, and that should change your name to your profile picture.

Zoom updated itself this morning, and I immediately started having this problem. It took me an hour to get to this forum, and nothing suggested here worked (I did not uninstall zoom as it seems like a drastic option). I was able to locate my name as a meeting participant, select MORE, which gave me the option to add a profile photo. i don't know why this was needed - I am signed on to zoom, and my profile already had a picture. Now the photo showing when the camera is off is much smaller than what I would see. I don't like it, but better than no photo. I am a mac user, and this is a thing that the new update created. 

Found the best solution for me just now - I went to my profile, and re-uploaded my profile photo. It is showing the way I want it to show now. 

This is the only solution that actually worked; the Zoom moderator on this thread doesn’t understand the issue.  Thanks BerrinE!




Could someone post pictures  screen by screen (screenshots) on how to fix this problem for windows 11 and IOS


I have tried at least a dozen sets of instructions and nothing works.


This just suddenly happened one day when a new release was installed last month or the month before. So frustrating.  haven't changed my profile picture it still appears in the upper right hand corner. other people in the zoom meeting have pictures shown when the video is off but some setting was changed in a recent update. Grrr...

I am having the same issue and so far none of the solutions I have found have worked for me either😫


I did find a work around but it is kind of a pain.


If I join a Zoom meeting from my iPhone using the Zoom app and then go to the Zoom on my Macbook and click on switch to this device my profile photo will show when I am off camera. Otherwise it just shows my name. 


It is not a clean fix by any means but it has worked for me for the last month...


I    found the solution (for me anyway). In the top right corner of the Zoom meeting there is a SIGN ON link. Click that sigh-on link - and sigh on. It worked for me


We had this issue for some users in our office using their profile photo originally shared from their mobile device.

Even though there was a profile photo set, and it showed in settings, the image was still not displaying when camera was off (with all the other settings versions etc being properly set.) 

Our fix, which you might try... was to open the profile on the mobile device.  Delete the stored image and resave a new version.  That's all we did and then it showed up immediately on the desktop. 

Perhaps the older version of the image, uploaded a long time ago, from a different version of the mobile app, app version could no longer be shared because of the security permissions when it was uploaded?  Who knows!  Just glad we got it working.