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Personal Audio Call features


I recently purchased the PAC add on anticipating that I could do the following:

Have 50 people on a call via their landline or mobile phone. Have them on mute until they indicated to me (the host) that they wanted to ask a question ... by pressing a key  (eg hash or star) at which time they would become visible to me. I would allow them to unmute and they ask their question. Once done, I put them away and back on mute.

IOW like a Webinar where attendees use the Raise Hand icon to indicate to speak. But this does not seem to be the case with Zoom PAC ... ? Or am I missing something ?


Community Champion | Employee
Community Champion | Employee

Hello realworld,


Thank you for your inquiry. If you launch the Personal Audio Conference from the web portal, you will have an interface where you can see your dial-in participants. They can press *9 to raise their hand, and this will be indicated in the interface. However, if you launched the Personal Audio Conference by telephone (dialed your number and entered the host key), then you will not receive notification of raised hands.


You can find a list of available DTMF commands for the host here


Hope this helps!