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New Quiz


I have seen the new quiz and even tried it.  I think a major shortcoming that I see is that the system does not actually "mark" the quiz.  Even if you download the results it simply gives the questions and the replied answers, not if they were correct or incorrect.  I could run a quiz through SLIDO as this will mark the answers and give scores i.e. 8 correct out of 10.  I can share the results on the screen but again it does not give them a score (which in my case we then check against our pass mark for the course).


Is there any way to get the new Zoom Quiz to do this?


The other issue is that since the last update, even if I set the poll or quiz in a template, when I use that template it is not copying across them and the quiz/poll tab is totally empty. This means that I have to type in every time the questions and all of the possible answers which is unsustainable as we use Zoom for training and the polls/quiz for confirmation of understanding.  Has anyone found a workaround for this issue since the last update?


Community Champion | Customer
Community Champion | Customer

Agreed.  While it's great we can create a quiz now, the fact that I need to tell my faculty the quiz report doesn't tell you if someone got an answer correct, (short/long answer questions excluded for obvious reasons) or allows you to set a score and see someone's score, is something of a turn off so far.