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Lost the ability to control the slides through the arrows on the keyboard.


Not sure when this occured, but as hosts we are able to share a powerpoint and provide "Slide Control" to a presenter so they can advance their own slides. 


Recently we've noticed that the presenter who has slide control cannot advance or go back slides using their keyboard LEFT and RIGHT keys. They have to physically press the left or right icons in the Zoom app. 


Has there been an update to this? We've tried it on a mac and windows to no avail. Why would this funtionality disappear. Some of our presenters rely on their notes when presenting and would like to just advance the slide without having to click into zoom. This was previously working, and now it's not.


I hope its something simple or something that I may be overlooking. 


Zoom Employee
Zoom Employee

The issue you're experiencing with the "Slide Control" feature in Zoom, where presenters can no longer use the keyboard's LEFT and RIGHT arrow keys to advance PowerPoint slides, is likely due to a recent change in Zoom updates or a settings conflict. This functionality was previously available, so it's understandable why this change could be disruptive, especially for presenters relying on their notes while presenting.

Possible Reasons for the Change

  1. Zoom Client Update or Bug:

    • It is possible that a recent update to the Zoom client (either for Windows, Mac, or both) introduced a change or a bug that affected the "Slide Control" functionality. If this feature was previously working, it could indicate a temporary issue in the newer versions.
  2. Focus Issue:

    • If the presenter's focus is not on the Zoom window (e.g., if they're actively in their PowerPoint window or another application), the keyboard shortcuts might not work. Zoom may require the presenter to be clicked into the Zoom app for keyboard slide controls to work.
  3. Settings Conflict or Change:

    • Sometimes, settings can change after updates or be reset. There could be a setting in Zoom's "Share Screen" or "Accessibility" settings that needs adjustment to restore the expected functionality.

Troubleshooting Steps

  1. Ensure Zoom is Up to Date:

    • Check if both the host and the presenters are using the latest version of Zoom. If not, update to the latest version to see if this resolves the issue.
  2. Check "Slide Control" Settings:

    • Confirm that the "Slide Control" feature is enabled correctly. Go to Zoom Settings > In Meeting (Basic) and ensure that "Slide Control" is enabled.
    • Revoke and reassign "Slide Control" during the meeting to see if it restores keyboard functionality.
  3. Test Different Focus States:

    • While sharing the screen and assigning "Slide Control," ensure that the Zoom app window is in focus (clicked into) for both the host and the presenter.
  • Ask the presenter to click into the Zoom window and try using the LEFT and RIGHT arrow keys again.

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Thanks. We tried all of the suggestions you provided and the outcome was not favorable. Do I have to open a support ticket for this?