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Inquiry Regarding the Use of Zoom in a Student Film


 I am currently working on a short film as part of a university club project. We would like to include a scene in our film that features a Zoom meeting. Would there be any legal issues with filming and using this in our project?


Community Champion | Customer
Community Champion | Customer

Welcome to the Zoom Community, @Seon.


 I’m not a Zoom employee, and this isn’t technically “legal advice.”  But TV and films show common, everyday situations all the time. There are even videos out there about conducting Zoom meetings – which of course show Zoom meetings.


I don’t think you’ll get an official Zoom answer here, and my advice is “Don’t worry about Zoom’s permission, but be sure you get permission from every individual who is shown to use their likeness in your video” – whether in front of the camera or captured by Zoom.


 Good luck on your project!!

Ray -- check out the GoodClix website or the Z-SPAN website.