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I need to designate an alternate host from the admin panel


One of my users is the host of a zoom meeting today at 1 PM. Unfortunately, he's sick. We have a second user lined up to be the meeting host but the first user never designated anyone to have scheduling privileges or made anyone a co-host or alternate host. When I go into the admin panel for our account I appear to be able to designate other people to have scheduling privileges for me, but no ability to set this on any other user. I can't see anyone else's scheduled meetings, either. How do I go about adding a co-host, or changing the host, as the account owner without making someone who's out on a sick day log back on to change his own settings?


Zoom Employee
Zoom Employee

Hi @jmm25, welcome to Zoom Community! If you are an account admin but can't see users' scheduled meetings, you may need to reach out to your account owner. By default, they have access to all permissions, which includes enabling and assigning scheduling privilege, as well as viewing and editing a users' Zoom meetings. 


If you need to have this capability moving forward, you can also ask your account owner to enable the permissions for your role through the admin portal.


Once the permissions are in place you or the account owner can change the host via scheduling privilege:

  • Go to Admin > User Management > Users
  • Search for the user then click their email
  • Go Settings > Meetings > Other
  • Assign Scheduling Privilege to applicable user


To assign an alternative host on behalf of a user, the other user needs to have a license as well.

  • Go to Admin > User Management > Users
  • Search for the user then click their email
  • Go to Meetings > Upcoming Meetings
  • Search for the meeting then click Edit
  • Scroll down to Options then click Edit
  • Enter the other user's email in the Alternative Host field
  • Click Save


Hope this helps.


How can add another email as a host? Does the email have to be a licensed user?