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How to transfer Zoom Registration Invite owndership


I created a Zoom meeting with a registration invite link, but now am aware that I am actually going to be absent on the date of the meeting (it is a workshop). How do I fully transfer ownership of the meeting, registration editing/viewing and all, to my coworker? The main thing I'm concerned about is that my coworker is going to want to see who registered/signed up for the workshop prior to the workshop starting (so that we can compare registrants versus actual attendees). Can anyone help?


Community Champion | Employee
Community Champion | Employee

Hi @epurnell 

I'd suggest checking out this similar post: Transferring ownership of a recurring meeting 



This would follow the same process with the Scheduling Privilege feature. 

Hope that helps and please make sure to mark the solution as accepted if this information is what you needed.


Hi Bort! This sounds like the answer I need. My coworker and I both have licensed accounts under the same company, so I think your suggestion will work. I won't be able to apply it in practice until next Monday when my coworker is back in office (of course she's on vacation when I need to transfer the meeting to her!), but in the meantime I've read up on Scheduling Privileges and figured out where I need to go within Zoom to turn it on. I'll try in out next week, and if for some reason I can't transfer ownership properly I'll come back here. 


Thank you!