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How to seamlessly present between different presentors


Hello zoom community!
I was recently attending a zoom conference in which multiple speakers shared individual sets of slides, one at a time. It was remarkably seamless: the first presenter stepped into a screen share with the typical speaker view in the corner of the shared slide. Then, one at a time, 7 other presenters rotated through the speaker view and shared their individual slide sets without (from the audience's perspective) starting a new share. There was no having to "stop" screen sharing so someone else could "begin" screen sharing next. The speaker's camera and slide set automatically rolled over on the presentation. How can I do this? 


Community Champion | Customer
Community Champion | Customer

Hey, @BMG97,


Hard to say specifically without seeing the video, but I’m guessing one person – not any of the speakers – did all the screen sharing by combining all the presentations into one file. 

There are other ways involving use of other software and tools, but the technique I described is something anyone can do at no cost!

Ray -- check out the GoodClix website or the Z-SPAN website.

Hi Ray! Thanks for sharing your experience. Would it theoretically be possible to share your screen, freeze the share after you are finished with your slides, and allow someone else (with admin/coordinator permission) to begin a new share to automatically trip the share over to a new presenter's screens share? Thus creating the "seamless" share from the audience's view? I have no idea if this is viable, but it is a theory I formed after a while. I have not tested the idea. 

Community Champion | Customer
Community Champion | Customer

@BMG97, the approach you described sounds do-able, but you’re right – it needs testing.


Let me know if you’d like to run a test together, and I’ll send you a Private Message with my Calendly link to coordinate a 30-minute time slot. Otherwise, I’ll put this on my To Do list. 

Ray -- check out the GoodClix website or the Z-SPAN website.

Thank you Ray, but that is not necessary! I will be testing it today with some colleagues and I will repot back with my findings! Thank you again for your help. 🙂