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Hi? Why does my voice to text on my new smartphone not work after I leave zoom meetings?


How can I fix this without having to restart the phone everytime I log out of zoom meeting, which is multiple times per day?

New phone is a Galaxy S24. Didn't have same problem with previous phone. Galaxy s8.

Thanks for any ideas. 



Sorry - the problem didn't show up.

After every zoom call, the voice to text function on my phone will not work (the voice cannot be used while in zoom, but AFTER?)  EVEN after I log out of zoom meeting.  How can I get this to stop other than having to RESTART cell phone each time for voice to text to work again.  I can't type on my phone so this is quite annoying.

Community Champion | Customer
Community Champion | Customer

Since you did not state what is actually showing on the phone after the Zoom call I can only venture some guesses. But most likely it is settings on the phone not Zoom that is the issue.

Did you do special setup settings in the phone's settings for voice to text or just accept the default settings?

(the following comes from the S24 manual)

If you can’t find the voice input microphone on your keyboard, the steps below might help.

  1. Go to the Settings section and tap General Management.
  2. Select the Samsung keyboard settings.
  3. Toggle on the Keyboard toolbar.

I think I have the same problem, and it is NOT that the voice-input icon is missing or doesn't respond; it is that while the phone says it is listening for voice input, it never recognizes anything -- as if the mic input was totally muted -- and eventually times out with a message saying that voice input is not currently available.


For me, this happens after every long (1+ hour) Zoom call.  I have to restart the phone to make voice input work again.


FWIW, the Zoom call was ended by the host (not me).  I pressed the phone's sandwich button (lower left) and clicked "Close all" to close all apps including Zoom.


Later, it is impossible to compose a text message using void input (the mic icon in the corner of the Samsung keyboard still appears to work, but it never hears anything).   Have to restart phone to make it work again.


... using Zoom app 6.2.3 (24672) on Samsung S21 with Android 14