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Zoom video shuts down in middle of a meeting


Hi I am hoping you can help me with a problem that has just started. I am a long term zoom user and have not had problems with my camera during zoom meetings until about 3 days ago. Now I find that at varying times during zoom meetings my my zoom video suddenly stops. This is happening when I am not the host but streaming a meeting where someone else is the host. The times when this happen vary. When I try to go back into the camera I was using it isn't there. All that shows up is a virtual camera that refers to my smartphone as the camera. The sound isn't effected that come through a separate usb microphone. I am using a windows 11 HP 64 bite operating system 12th Gen Intel(R) Core(TM) i3-12100 3.30 GHz with 8 GB ram. I have tried two cameras a Razer kiyo and a logitech C270 but had similar problems with both webcams. I am able to go back into video using my smart phone as the camera. I have tried using the camera app when my camera is connected by usb on windows 11 to see if the camera stops there after a period but I have not had problems with the camera shutting down unexpectedly. I ran this app for 40 minutes today without difficulties. Windows is up to date and I am on the latest zoom version 6.3.6 (56144). Any help would be appreciated.  Thanks


Community Champion | Customer
Community Champion | Customer

HI @mike37 ,

There are 2 reasons why I see this happen.
1. the machine is overloaded, and it shuts down to protect its self
2. There is a connection issue.
I would think the 2nd is more likely.
Have you tried using the diagnostics to see how the machine is doing?
You can press the tabs across the top to see more audio, video etc info.
streaming a meeting will make increase the need for resources.
all the best
