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Get download links for all recordings within Trash


Outstanding question:

is there any mechanism to get the download links for all videos within trash?

With the new limitations on cloud storage, all my recordings have automatically gone to the trash folder. I risk losing all of my work (300+ webinars) due to this.

The recovery process is a torture: I'm forced to recover one meeting at a time, then download, then move to trash and start again. 

Can anyone provide guidance?

Thanks in advance,


Community Champion | Customer
Community Champion | Customer

Welcome to the Zoom Community, @SCO123123.


I think it's unlikely there is an automated tool already available.


If you're up to some programming, the Zoom Meeting API has this query:

... where you can specify the "trash=true" parameter to retrieve the download details for files in the trash.


Depending on how many/size of files you are working with, it might ease your pain to upgrade your Cloud storage for one month, move all the trash to online, download, and then move all back to trash, then purge.


I use DropBox for event production file transfers to/from clients.  DropBox will automatically copy your recording files to a specific DropBox folder (minus any separate audio files), which would save you the trouble going forward.  I'm not sure enabling that feature after-the-fact would help you though.

Ray -- check out the GoodClix website or the Z-SPAN website.