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Failure to connect


I teach online full-time.  On Monday, 9/10 at around 6 pm, there was a failure to connect.  Zoom buffered indefinitely.  My internet connection was fine because I was able to do searches in Google and on Edge.   I had to cancel the class.  I had been working on the laptop (hp intel core i7) all day.  I had even had a Zoom training that morning.  There is nothing wrong with the computer.  I had a Zoom training meeting this morning.

I would like to know if anyone else experienced an outage or glitch or whatever you want to call it, on Monday, 9/10 at around 6 pm.  What should I do to troubleshoot in the future?  How should I handle it?  Cancelling is really not a good way handle the situation.

Thank you for your help.


PS:  I work for an agency, so we have a business account.

Error Code: It just said, "waiting for host", I think.  I don't remember an error code.

Troubleshooting:  I checked my internet connection, refreshed.  Logged out of the meeting and restarted it.  Closed all other tabs.


Community Champion | Customer
Community Champion | Customer

Not sure what you mean by "Zoom buffered". Screenshots would have been helpful. I was actually running a Zoom meeting from 6-9pm EDT that day with no issues. When you say "waiting for host" were you the host or a participant waiting in the waiting room? Did you sign-in to an account and start the meeting or did you join the meeting hosted by someone else or did you join a meeting that did not yet have a host? Were you running the meeting using the Zoom client or in a browser? Try repeating the process and record the screen to video then share it here (redact any sensitive info). Knowing the process you used gives alot of insight to what could go wrong. Right now there is not sufficient info to make any viable comments.


Thank you for your reply.  I signed in the way I usually do.  I follow the link I send to everyone as I also send it to myself to make sure it goes through.  I am the host.  I call it buffering when a symbol spins and the application doesn't open.  Is that the incorrect terminology?  Honestly, I'm not sure if I was signed in.  My info is saved, and I rarely have to sign-in except when I look at the reports.  I don't know how to answer the question about whether I signed in from a browser or Zoom Client. (I am running really hard to keep up with tech.  Please be patient!  I click the link.  I rarely have to cut and paste that into a search bar.  Does any of that give more info?  I hope it doesn't happen again but if it does...doesn't the application have to be open to record it?  I could take a screen shot anyway.  I panic when I can't get on.