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Changing registration after invite sent through google


I created a meeting through my google calendar and had a zoom meeting link added. I then invited the participants, most of whom have already responded as to whether they are attending or not. Can I go into zoom and now change this meeting to have registration required or will that mess things up for those who have already been invited via google? 


Community Champion | Customer
Community Champion | Customer

Welcome to the Zoom Community, @ashleyand.


One of two things will happen … I’m not exactly sure which!  Either (a) they’ll be sicker to join with the original Zoom Join link or (b() they’ll be redirected to a registration link, and they’ll have to register to enter. I think it’s the latter, but under some circumstances I think I’ve seen the former occur. Either way, I’d say nobody gets “messed up.”

Ray -- check out the GoodClix website or the Z-SPAN website.