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Auto Login Meetings App on Initial Launch


I am looking to have the Meeting App automatically login when it is install on a client computer. I feel I am very close but seem to be missing something. Below is my command-line arguments and a screen shot of what I am presented with when I launch the app the first time.  Ideally I would like the app to just open and be logged in if possible.


ZoomAutoUpdate="true" ZSILENTSTART="true" ZConfig="AutoSSOLogin=1;ForceSSOUrl=VanityURL;EnableEmbedBrowserForSSO=1;EnableSilentAutoUpdate=1;NoGoogle=1;NoFacebook=1;DisableLoginWithEmail=1"




Zoom Employee
Zoom Employee

Hi @JamieDickson 

Unfortunately, I don't think we offer a way to auto login. For security purposes, you can set up the client to get your users as close to the login as possible, in your case, only sso and your vanity URL pre-filled, but the user needs to complete the rest of the login steps manually. 

That was my gut but just wanted to be sure. Thanks for your reply Bort.