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Auto Captions Translation


I have a meeting with 3 people and translation is critical. So last night I purchased a plan and we tried it out. It didn't seem to work. Here's the scenario.


Me - speaks/reads English

A: speakers/reads Japanese (no account on Zoom)

B: bilingual


Is it possible to set things up so:

Person A speaks Japanese, and I see auto-translated English captions.

Person B doesn't need any captioning


If I set my language to English, it doesn't seem to translate what person A says.


Platform: Zoom One Pro Plan with Translated Captions addon.


Community Champion | Customer
Community Champion | Customer

Welcome to the Zoom Community, @jrotella.. Sorry I didn’t see your post earlier.


Zoom’s Translated Captions works quite well when set up properly. It sounds to me like the step missing was for your Japanese speaker to indicate the language spoken. See this Zoom Support article for guidance: 


I’ve recently used this with a native Japanese presenter at a conference I facilitated. She and her mentor were very pleased at how easy it was to set up and use. 

Ray -- check out the GoodClix website or the Z-SPAN website.