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Zoom webinar features


I'd like to recommend two features in Zoom webinars:

  1. The ability to remove all attendees with the click of a button (eg. at the end of a webinar, when the panellists would like to have a closed discussion)
  2. The ability to return to a practice session in a Zoom webinar, even after going live.

Community Champion | Customer
Community Champion | Customer

Welcome to the Zoom Community, @UWIZoomAdmin.


The good news is that your #2 request already works - assuming the time hasn't expired.  Assume you have a one-hour webinar, and want the crew to "meet back in the same webinar 10 minutes later", just reset the duration to 1h30m, and it should still be available to "start".


Do you do a lot of webinars?  There's a feature called Backstage which is only available with a Zoom Events license -- but if you have Zoom Events, Backstage is an option for all Webinars, whether or not within a Zoom Event.  With Backstage enabled, this is the "exit menu":


"End Webinar for Attendees" does exactly what you want... kicks out anyone that isn't a Host/Co-Host/Panelist.


Backstage has a number of additional features... some pros and cons to consider, but in general, I like it, especially if you're going to do a lot of webinars and usually have 2 or more host/co-host people involved.


You will note that Zoom Events licenses are generally expensive.  But you can acquire a Zoom Events Pay Per Attendee license with 50 attendees for only $125.  This license is good for 1 year from the date of purchase, so for about $10/month (for one user), you can use Backstage.  I'd be glad to give you more info on Zoom Events, especially the licensing part, if you're interested in just using it for the Backstage feature.  You might explore Zoom Sessions (similar to Zoom Events, but "single webinars only").  Let me know if you'd like to chat.  (I'm just a customer, not a Zoom sales guy. No pressure, just good information!)


Also, Zoom staff doesn't roam the Zoom Community harvesting feature requests.  Submit Feature Requests here: 

Ray -- check out the GoodClix website or the Z-SPAN website.