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Webinar attendee screen buttons


I facilitate a weekly webinar with 75-100 completely inept students.  They need to have their hands held all the time and cannot have any extraneous buttons in their screen, otherwise they get distracted.  I had gotten my webinar account down to no buttons, I was thrilled! I wake up this morning to run a  test and find a new Closed Captions button and a settings button that I cannot remove!!  WTH??



While it may seem odd the setting for closed captioning is under meeting settings. If you go under the meeting settings you can turn off closed captioning and that button should go away.


As far as the gear icon it probably appeared because of the closed captioning being enabled and will hopefully disappear upon disabling the closed captioning.

Please remember to mark responses as accepted if they resolve your issue.
***Sometimes success is only achieved through many failures!***

Hmm, none of my captions switches are enabled though.

Are you looking in the App or in the web portal ? 

Please remember to mark responses as accepted if they resolve your issue.
***Sometimes success is only achieved through many failures!***

Meant to do this as a reply:


I am looking at my settings on the account page on the website.


I am looking at my settings on the account page on the website.

The only one that should matter is the main "Manual Captions" button seen here.



Please remember to mark responses as accepted if they resolve your issue.
***Sometimes success is only achieved through many failures!***

Yup, that one is turned off.


I do see they added an additional area for closed captioning within the app. Maybe these settings are overriding the web page?



Please remember to mark responses as accepted if they resolve your issue.
***Sometimes success is only achieved through many failures!***

Turned them all of ... nada.  I thought partially the same thing when I found those.

Hmm, You have me stumped at this point.

Please remember to mark responses as accepted if they resolve your issue.
***Sometimes success is only achieved through many failures!***

I know how you feel lol

Have you logged out of the App and back in after making the adjustments? Sometimes if you change settings this is required for them to take effect.

Please remember to mark responses as accepted if they resolve your issue.
***Sometimes success is only achieved through many failures!***

lol, several times


If you have disabled all caption options and they are still showing up you may wish to put in a support ticket.

Please remember to mark responses as accepted if they resolve your issue.
***Sometimes success is only achieved through many failures!***

Yeah, I have one in right now.  Hopefully I will hear something soon.  If I do, I'll post it in here.