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Registrants for Webinar Stuck in Registration Loop


Hello everyone,


Our team has a re-occurring webinar set up for the rest of the week, and today, many of our registrants are stuck in registration login loops, where they are told that they are not registered when they try to enter a webinar session, and told to re-register. And the loop goes on and on. This loop is also occurring on both desktop and mobile. We've tried incognito or clearing the cache, and it still does not work.


I have read that this issue was resolved in April 2023 following a bug with custom questions not being answered during registration, but we have no custom questions set up on our registration forms.


Is anyone else having this issue recently or can assist an easy way to get out of this loop? We would like to have this resolved by tomorrow morning the earliest.


Thank you.



I am having the same issue, though to my knowledge, it only happened to two registrants, and it didn't start happening until this year. I read the article about the "fix" last April, however, I did not have custom questions that were not visible, nor did I change the custom questions after registration opened. Maybe a bug in the latest update? 


We are having the same problem. Our participants can only enter if they receive an "approved email from Zoom"

after I approve them.

I sent my link to all the participants and they had the same name as me on entering the course.

Did you resolve this?


We also experienced this with at least 10% of our registrants (~50 ppl registered ) this week. I apparently don't get access to live support because I don't spend $200 a month on zoom. So if anyone has a solution, please share it here for the rest of us who pay for pro plans and no support.


I just learned from Customer Support that the reason some of our participants experienced the registration doom loop was because we added a question to the registration form. The people who had registered before that were being redirected to complete the form again. I have suggested that they make this clearer to participants by putting some kind of notice about the reason why people are being redirected back to the registration page.


This might not be the reason for everyone's doom loop problem. But it makes sense (as a reason) in our case.