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Hi! Just wondering with the Facebook Groups API being deprecated in v19, meaning that 3rd Party Apps will no longer be able to connect with Facebook Groups, how will we be able to connect Zoom to Facebook Groups?

- Will there be stream key or how?

- What will be the connection process?

- What will be the streaming process moving forward? 


Most importantly, WILL Zoom still be able to stream to Facebook Groups?



 I am also interested to find this out too!

This is the response I got via a help ticket lodged with this question, I don't feel it actually gives any clear answers or guidance (I'm feeling like they don't know yet what will happen either):

I understand that you have concern with the Facebook Groups API being deprecated in v19, which means that 3rd Party Apps will no longer be able to connect with Facebook Groups. You are worried and want to know how we will be able to connect Zoom to Facebook groups. Also, you have the following question that you want answered:.
Will there be a stream key, or how?
What will the connection process be?
What will be the streaming process moving forward?
Regarding this update of Facebook, from their previous updates, I recommend reaching out to their developer for the exact and detailed information on how it could affect the 3rd party application on connecting Facebook Pages, as it is their configuration for their security measures.
However, still, the method that Zoom is using is the information stated in this guide: on livestreaming Zoom meetings to a Facebook timeline, a group page, or a page that you are an admin for.
To answer the following question, if there is a stream key or how, what will the connection process be and what will be the streaming process moving forward?
For now, it is still the same method, same process, and same connection process. If you experience an error while trying to livestream on Facebook, please let us know so we can further check what the cause is and provide a solution.
Additional information related on concern:
Should you need further assistance, please don't hesitate to get in touch anytime, and I'll be more than happy to get back to you as soon as possible. Also, please visit the Zoom Help Center for more helpful information:

Thank you. Yes, really not much clearer.

Yes, would love to get a clearer answer as this falls on developers within Zoom.  Hoping we get an answer before the FB Groups API is permanently removed.


Has anyone received any further updates from Zoom on this? I'm finding it really difficult to find any information about whether or not we'll still be able to use Zoom to stream into Facebook groups once the changes take place very soon. 

Community Moderator | Employee
Community Moderator | Employee

Hi everyone!

Our team is still working on the integration with Facebook. I appreciate your patience and I will keep you updated on this once I know more. 

Carla (she/her/hers)
Zoom Community Team
Have you heard of Zoom AI Companion?

Thanks for the update Carla. Hopefully this will all become clearer soon and we will have a positive update from Facebook. Looking forward to hearing more from you. 

Hi Carla, what is the latest on this issue of streaming into a facebook group using Zoom? We're holding our breath. 😉 

Community Champion | Customer
Community Champion | Customer

Greetings everyone.


Zoom will stream to almost anyplace that will provide streaming keys.  See this Zoom Support article for instructions on how to use the Custom RTMP approach to streaming. 

Ray -- check out the GoodClix website or the Z-SPAN website.

I have Apps turned on...and Live Stream App is showing available for me....but when I click on doesn't load...I need to be able to stream Zoom into my FB group. Can you help??

Community Champion | Customer
Community Champion | Customer