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Livestreaming to Facebook GROUPS now requires Custom RTMP

Community Champion | Customer
Community Champion | Customer

Facebook has stopped live-streaming to Facebook Groups from any application as of today.  This includes Zoom's built-in  integration to livestream to Facebook.  Note: You should still be able to livestream to other Facebook endpoints -- just not to Groups.


Zoom did not make this change; it was made by Meta/Facebook.  This change was made by the implementation of Version 19.0 of the Facebook Graph API, which was released January 23, 2024, and became effective today, April 22, 2024.  



To livestream to a Facebook Group, you must now use the Custom RTMP method of connecting a livestream.  See this Zoom Support article for information on how to do this from Zoom:

Unfortunately, this option requires a Licensed/paid account. Please note that I’m a Zoom Customer just like many of you. I don’t make the rules! If you’re a Basic user, your option to live-stream from Zoom to Facebook Groups at the moment is to upgrade to a Pro license. Consider streaming from OBS which is free and has the Custom RTMP capability built in without restriction. (info added here 25 April 2024)


References in Zoom documentation to being able to livestream to Facebook no longer include the ability to stream to Facebook Groups from the Zoom-Facebook integration.


Added 24 April 2024:

Watch this video to see how it can be done:

Ray -- check out the GoodClix website or the Z-SPAN website.


Thanks Ray....but this is still not working on my Macbook...could it be that my iOS isn't updated enough? My MacBook Air is about 7 years old. 

Community Champion | Customer
Community Champion | Customer

@telbeavers, if you’re using Zoom, it should work if you are following the instructions using Custom RTMP. If you can provide some Screen shots (with personal info redacted) of your configuration and any error displays, I’ll try to help. 

Ray -- check out the GoodClix website or the Z-SPAN website.

Screen Shot 2024-04-24 at 8.00.38 AM.png

Community Champion | Customer
Community Champion | Customer

Hey, @telbeavers.  If you are starting from an existing meeting, go to your meeting (just click the name of the meeting on the Zoom Web Portal),  and find this:



Click on the Configure Custom Streaming Service and DELETE all of the information there.  You could actually copy/paste the information from Facebook here, but I prefer to do it "live" when I'm about to get started in the meeting.  If you select the Custom Streaming menu from the Livestream menu and there's already information here... it will attempt to use it.  But in most cases, what is there won't work anymore.


Hope that (and watching the video I made) helps!

Ray -- check out the GoodClix website or the Z-SPAN website.


There is no way to do Custom RTMP.  How can we feed into FB Groups?

Community Champion | Customer
Community Champion | Customer

@shawn2019, no way to do Custom RTMP where? Plenty of applications have this capability, including Zoom, OBS, vMix, etc. 

Ray -- check out the GoodClix website or the Z-SPAN website.

Can not use that you feed zoom into a Facebook group


Do you think they'll fix/restore things back or from now on it just works with Custom RTMP?

Community Champion | Customer
Community Champion | Customer

@valemazza80 - you'd have to ask Facebook/Meta about that... I have no indication that they will re-enabled live-streaming from integrated applications like Zoom.

Ray -- check out the GoodClix website or the Z-SPAN website.

Community Champion | Customer
Community Champion | Customer

Watch this video to see how it can be done:

Ray -- check out the GoodClix website or the Z-SPAN website.

Hello again,  Ok so watching the video and when I open More there is only a Live on Facebook, no Custom option

YOu can see it here:


I am going to watch the video...  I will let you know if I till have a problem.  At first glance I do not see any option for Custom Live Stream .. but I will let you know soon.


Hey there great...much Zoom doesn't have the options yours has...I do have a paid Zoom account....see screenshot....Screen Shot 2024-04-25 at 8.10.05 AM.png

Community Champion | Customer
Community Champion | Customer

Please check that the Custom Live Streaming option is enabled in Admin -> Account Management-> Account Settings -> In Meeting (Advanced) – scroll down (pretty far) to see:


Unfortunately, this option isn’t currently available for Basic (free) accounts.

Ray -- check out the GoodClix website or the Z-SPAN website.

Done....then I went back to start a meeting....and that option still isn't there...I have paid Zoom...but it's the first level.....Screen Shot 2024-04-25 at 10.46.53 AM.pngScreen Shot 2024-04-25 at 10.47.48 AM.png

Same problem here. I created a ticket but no answer. 

Its unbelievable that paying customers get no support. The chat bot is of no help either ....

I figured it out.

I locked the "Allow livestreaming of meetings" by clicking the lock symbol and then the setting showed up in my meeting.  

Aha.....I was hitting save and ignoring that lock.  This was the answer hit the lock and now it shows up!! to see if I can do the whole process

That worked for me too!    Once you click "LOCK" the holy grail opens up.     This is too taxing on my brain...   


It will not allow me to upload screen shots.  

I have gone in and clicked Custom Live Streaming Service which was not clicked and unclicked Twitch so that I can see if these changes are made I hit save.  When I log out and log back in they are saved correctly.  Yay.....however when I open my zoom room to see if the Custom Live streaming is an option ...that option is not there and Twitch is still there along with the other three.  Does that make more sense


Community Champion | Customer
Community Champion | Customer

@CarrieSMagill You still have to enable the LiveStreaming options in the *individual* meeting setup. That way, each meeting can have its own unique screen options. Do this *before* starting the meeting.


Hope this helps! Make sure to press "Accept as Solution" on this post if this answers your question. Happy Zooming!
Anissa • Zoomologist • @anissat

I do have the Pro account.....Screen Shot 2024-04-25 at 10.50.18 AM.png

What is OBS that you mention?

Community Champion | Customer
Community Champion | Customer

OBS – sometimes referred to by its full name, OBS studio – is a frequently used, free, well-performing, highly respected application that allows you compose “scenes” with various elements, including camera video, images, backgrounds, and more, along with control of audio sources. It is used by many streamers who “stream solo” – just them talking to their audience. 

See their website for more info:


I’ve used OBS for many years, mostly these days for recording videos – I used OBS to record the Vimeo video I referenced above. 

Ray -- check out the GoodClix website or the Z-SPAN website.


I did this and clicked Custom Live Streaming however it has not changed  when I go to LIve there a lag with Zoom in that it takes 24 hours to take effect.  I hit save.  What am I missing


Community Champion | Customer
Community Champion | Customer

Hi, @CarrieSMagill.  I'm not sure what you mean by "it has not changed."  Can you maybe provide a screen shot of what you're seeing, and be specific about what the last step you completed in the process was?

Ray -- check out the GoodClix website or the Z-SPAN website.


Good Morning Ray.


Will this need to be done every time we go live or just input once and Zoom saves the information?

Community Champion | Customer
Community Champion | Customer

Welcome to the Zoom Community, @KBofKingzSpeak.


As with many questions, the answer I think is "it depends".


I believe (but haven't tested this) that if you create a "recurring meeting with no recurrence schedule" that the Custom RTMP data will remain attached to that meeting, and with the "Persistent" switch turned on in your Facebook settings, the data in Zoom will continue to match up with the data in Facebook.


If you start a new meeting every time, or if you live-stream to multiple groups, then yes, you'll have to copy the 3 data elements every time.


There is another solution!  Check out the Live Streaming app in Zoom's Marketplace here:


This is a Zoom-created app (no third party involvement), and allows you to set up a number of stream settings that are persistent across your account.  Why have I not recommended it?  While the app works very well -- when it works -- I've seen too many people struggling with trying to get it to work, as there are nuances you have to be aware of (or willing to research) in order to resolve certain issues in getting it set up.  So I've "fallen back" to the Custom RTMP, which (once you do all the correct steps) "just works."


Give Zoom's Live Streaming app in the Marketplace a try, but please don't ask for assistance in this thread... maybe I'll start a new thread of "Here's another way to Stream to Facebook Groups", if there's interest.

Ray -- check out the GoodClix website or the Z-SPAN website.

Thanks for all of the details that you have provided. Prior to seeing your post, I followed the guidelines rigorously to use the Live Streaming app in Zoom but it always failed with an error.


On my own, I discovered the "custom" method that you have described and it works although it's more complicated than the proceedure that is supposed to work in the Live Streaming app.


Should you take the time to start a new thread, I'd love to have the link! Many thanks for supporting us!


I am happy to say I got it working!  Thank you!


Is this the fix for live-streaming to a Facebook Page, also?


Thank you so much for all of this help! Question: do you have to do the key and urls every single time you live feed in to FB group?


Thank you pour. cannot even find where to start 😞 



I have a question. It was possible to exit zoom after transferring host to someone else before. This way, anyone who doesn't have paid account could host livestream. Now is it still possible, or one who begins livestream has to stay to the end?

Community Champion | Customer
Community Champion | Customer

Hi, @Takajo.


I think it's a fine line where you're probably crossing into violating Zoom's Terms of Service.


If you're in the business of helping people run their live-streaming using your Zoom account, you'd probably be okay, except "abandoning them to be on their own in your account" on a regular basis might really look like you're doing it just so they don't have to get a properly licensed account.  In cases like this, you'd meet them in their account and help them set it up, then leave them to run it in their own account.


If you really are just giving someone access to your properly licensed account so they don't have to get one to live-stream, then you really are in danger of having your account terminated if Zoom somehow finds out.


Think of it this way: You shouldn't get in your car, crank it up, drive out of the driveway, then get out and give your driver's license to someone that doesn't have one, and let them drive your car to the bank and back.  You might do that once in a dire emergency... but don't make a habit of it.

Ray -- check out the GoodClix website or the Z-SPAN website.


Thank you so much @Ray_Harwood  for this very helpful and informative tutorial. It's working fine for me now. Really appreciate you taking the time to record this for all of us and to answer further questions on this thread too. Many, many thanks. 


Zoom Partner
Zoom Partner

Thanks Ray. I had to change my default browser to Chrome. It kept opening my fb group in Edge and I prefer Chrome. However, either way, I don't see my live stream come up in my fb group while I'm doing it or even after it's done. I followed your instructions to the letter and at the top of the Zoom screen, it says it is livestreaming and a livestream tab comes up in Chrome. When I click on it, my fb group comes up. However, the Zoom is not streaming to it. At least not that I can find.

I did just look up the saved streaming info in Zoom and it has two things with X's on it, yet I do not have the boxes checked in the setup. See attached photo.

Any thoughts?

Community Champion | Customer
Community Champion | Customer

@Caroline22: sent you a PM. 

Ray -- check out the GoodClix website or the Z-SPAN website.

Community Champion | Customer
Community Champion | Customer


Added June 13, 2024

I get contacted a lot with "I followed your instructions but it's not working for me!"  Here's some things to check if you still have problems.

In Facebook

  1. Always click the "Streaming Software" button.
  2. Click the caret on Advanced Settings to reveal them.
  3. ALWAYS turn on Persistent Stream Key.

In Zoom

  1. Make sure your settings have Custom RTMP enabled, and put something in the text box (doesn't matter what... I've just heard reports that not putting anything often makes it "not work"). Go to Settings and type "live" in the search box as seen here at the top to easily find the settings and save you from "scroll-cramping":
  2. I recommend to always schedule a separate meeting for live-streaming.  Do not use your PMI, don't use a "recurring with no fixed recurrence".  If you have a monthly/weekly live-stream, it's okay to schedule recurring with a fixed interval.
  3. The Live-Streaming menu generally lives in the More menu. Click on Live on Custom Live Streaming Service:


  4. On the pop-up Zoom web page for configuring the feed, never check the "Custom streaming service requires authentication to broadcast" for Facebook.  You should already be logged into Facebook -- that's authentication enough.

By the way... the green box/arrow is where your text from item 1 shows up.  See... it doesn't matter what you put there -- nobody will look at it!

One Final Note

I've had more than one person do all of this then look at the Facebook page and wonder what do to next.  "I only get two green dots... how do I get the third one??"  Click the Go Live button at the bottom of the screen!



Happy Streaming!

Ray -- check out the GoodClix website or the Z-SPAN website.