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Changes made to webinar recording settings didn't go into effect


Before the last webinar we hosted through Zoom, we enabled several new webinar recording settings.


Some of these new settings we "checked" included:

  • A shared screen file
  • Separate audio files for each participant
  • Sign language interpretation
  • Audio transcript

However, none of these appeared in the recorded files provided by Zoom after the webinar. I went back to the settings to make sure they were checked, thinking that maybe they didn't save, but they were in fact still "checked," so I can't figure out why we didn't get the additional recordings. Is it possibly because we changed the settings after we had scheduled the webinar, so they didn't apply towards it?


Please help! Thank you!


Community Champion | Customer
Community Champion | Customer

Hi, @Caitlin4.


You don’t mention which settings and which recording mode you were using. 

I recommend Cloud Recording for a variety of reasons, as opposed to a Local recording. Note that the settings for a Cloud Recording come from the Webinar owner’s account, regardless of who initiated the recording or who was Host at the time. 

The settings should be whatever was in effect at the moment the Webinar was started — that is,  when the Host or Alt-Host first joined. 

Ray -- check out the GoodClix website or the Z-SPAN website.

Community Moderator | Employee
Community Moderator | Employee

Hi @Caitlin4, did you find @Ray_Harwood's response helpful? If so, don't forget to click "Accept as solution" 🙂

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