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Can co-hosts convert a meeting to webinar?


Can a Zoom co-host convert his/her co-host's meeting to a webinar on behalf of their co-host?  My coworker/co-host does not have a webinar license and created a zoom meeting and sent out the link. They need their zoom to be a webinar and made me a co-host.  The meeting does not show in my upcoming meetings so I do not know if I do not have Convert meeting to Webinar option to the right of the Start/Edit/Delete buttons at the bottom. Is there a way to convert it through my account even though I am not the owner? This is in an effort to not have to change the link for those who have already registered for her meeting


Community Champion | Customer
Community Champion | Customer

If the co-host (or an admin) is able to grant you scheduling privileges to the co-host's account, you should be able to access and convert the meeting to a webinar (potentially requiring you to transfer the meeting over to you first).

Transferring Reoccuring Meetings to a different owner - I have some steps for transferring meeting ownership outlined here.