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2025 CMX Awards

The Zoom Community is nominated for the 2025 CMX Community Industry Awards in the Customer Support Community category!

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400 Bad Request While update webinar agenda


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<p>Understanding concepts is crucial to passing NCLEX. When you understand the rationale for your intervention, priorities, and pathophysiology, you really do not have to work hard to memorize mnemonics or answers. You can analyze and approach each question by applying critical thinking. Archer NCLEX webinars aim to provide you those strategies and content reviews to foster critical thinking and analysis.</p><p>These webinars were conducted live and now available on-demand as streaming videos . You can watch them at your own pace. Students who fail NCLEX tend to focus on too much content rather than getting thoroughly prepared in the most frequently tested content on the NCLEX. Preparing smarter is a much better strategy than just preparing harder! Archer thoroughly prepares you on those highly tested NCLEX topics using the smart test-prep strategy, and then Archer Qbank repeatedly quizzes you until you master them.</p><p>Such a content review process followed by concurrent quizzing reinforces your understanding much more and enables retention! This is why Archer NCLEX Reviews have achieved a 98% pass rate since the launch. You are provided with notes/slides to review the critical concepts discussed during each webinar. We also recommend subscribing to Archer’s highly successful but very affordable Q-Bank of 2520 Qs to quiz yourself following these content review webinars.</p><p><strong>Webinar Objectives:</strong></p><p>1. Go over all frequently tested NCLEX concepts in all systems and lessons.</p><p>2. Provide you with challenge quizzes throughout the course after every topic. Get your doubts clarified and understand concepts!</p><p><strong>Video 1 -9 hours</strong></p><p>1. Fundamentals ( Lab values, Safety, Tubes, Restraints, ABGs, Fluids/electrolytes, Pharmacology, EKG, Growth, and development)</p><p>2. System -wise Adult Health ( Cardiac, Plum, GI, Neuro, Muskuloskeletal, Heme, GU, Derm, ID)</p><p><strong>Video 2 - 9 hours</strong></p><p>1. Specialties ( Child Health, Maternal Health ( Antepartum, L &amp; amp;amp;D, Postpartum, Newborn health, Mental health, Oncology)</p><p>2. Test-taking strategies ( Prioritization, Delegation, Assignment, Quizzes)</p><p><strong>In addition to the above two full - length crash course videos, this package includes multiple other shorter videos(each 30 mins to 2 hours)</strong></p><p>#1. Cardiology and EKGs(2hours)</p><p>#2. Fluids and Electrolytes(3 hours)</p><p>#3. Pharmacology(2hours)</p><p>#4. Arterial Blood Gas analysis</p><p>#5. Diet and Nutrition(2 hours)</p><p>#6. Endocrinology / Diabetes and Insulin(2 hours)</p><p>#7. Safety and infection control(2 hours)</p><p>#8. Prioritization / Delegation / Testing strategies(2 hours)</p><p>#9. Mental Health(2 hours)</p><p>#10. Fundamentals(3 hours) - includes basic care and comfort, tubes, ethical and legal concepts and many more foundations</p><p>#11. Growth and Development series</p><p>#12. Obstetrics: Maternity(2 hours) + labour and Delivery(2 hours)</p><p><strong>Full Syllabus in detail: </strong>View Here Slides and handouts for the Webinar: will be sent to you via email.</p><p><strong>Duration of content review:</strong> 37 hours, Playtime or streaming time: 100 hours</p><p><strong>Duration of your access:</strong> 2 months</p><p><strong>Sharing:</strong> Not shareable. Sharing will reduce your streaming time . Access may get permanently blocked if sharing with other users detected.</p>




Community Champion | Employee
Community Champion | Employee

@Sivaram Hi there and thanks for posting. For this one can you post either on or raise a support ticket