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Sharing Zoom Docs via Email



I really enjoyed the new Zoom Docs feature—it's a great companion for Zoom meetings!

That said, I’d like to share the content of a Zoom doc via email with my team to keep everyone in the organization on the same page, keeping the same layout as it appears in the Docs.

Is there any way to do this?


Zoom Employee
Zoom Employee

Hi @antib0t Could you please provide more details about this feature request? How you wanna share your doc via email? Like paste the link to share and expect to directly preview in email instead of jump to doc's page to check detail?

Zoom Employee
Zoom Employee

Hi @antib0t you can share the Zoom Docs in the following ways:
1) tag your colleagues in the Zoom Docs by @
2) share with your colleagues via top right -> 'Share' panel, key in their emails, and they would get the notifications via email 
3) copy and paste the docs links to emails or Zoom Team Chat to them
4) using 'Print' in a doc, and before you print it out, simply choose 'Save as PDF'; then attach the PDF to the email

Let me know if this works!



Zoom Docs PM

I want to invite other members to a shared folder in zoomdocs, but the emailadresses are not accepted: no matching results. 

The emailadresses are in my personal contacts.


I can send a link, but then the other members get a read only doc, while they should be able to change or add text.

@verschuerentine could you share how did you share the doc link, and how was the doc's sharing permission set? You can check it by clicking on top right 'Share' 

Re. issue on the shared folder, we will get back to you shortly

Hi @verschuerentine, ZDocs do not support invite shared folder members via email now. Currently, you can only add email collaborators to a specific doc. Apologies for the inconvenience.

Contributor III
Contributor III

You can print to pdf and then manually insert the document into an email and share it with your desired recipients. If you want to automate this you could use APIs to trigger an email sharing the document with your team. If you are not a developer and want to automate this there is a Zoom app, Salepager, that lets you share Zoom docs via email.


I just share Zoom Docs with the team by putting their emails in the 'Share' panel, and they would get a notification via email or Team Chat message if I checked it. This has been working pretty sleek!