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read. ai meeting notes


How do I block invited participant's meeting notes from starting up/activating in a meeting I've scheduled on my account? (I am the only host.)



When Read joins the meeting, in the chat, you should see a notification highlighting who invited Read.  You can reach out to that user to request that they not invite Read moving forward.  In the meeting, you can type "opt out" into the chat to remove Read from the meeting instantly.  

Except it doesn’t remove read it just removes your comments from read. Which means everyone has to remove read - not just the host. And it still kept typing stuff in the chat - who signed in, who signed out or left. It’s very distracting. 

I receive the following message each time I have a specific scheduled meeting. I don't have installed and never would do so as the meeting is a confidential one.  Can someone explain why I might be receiving these messages? My profile states that, "No account users have added this app yet". If this app does record information without being requested to do so it may be in violation of GDPR regulations.

meeting notes has joined your meeting"

You can enable a waiting room and require authentication to prevent an AI notetaker from joining your Zoom meetings. You could also block the specific IP addresses. Alternatively there is an app, Meetinguard, that lets you verify whether attendees are human to prevent uninvited third party AI bots from joining your Zoom meetings on behalf of external guests.

This is my original post. The problem is still that you have no idea if a human participant has enabled an AI note taking app until after you've let them in and the app starts note taking (usually visible in the chat box). I'm happy to kick any bot type participants out but I think zoom needs to give account holders/hosts the option to block all AI note taking apps from taking notes during the meeting.


I also would like to know how to stop this before it happens. Did you ever find out?

No... There is no solution and Zoom does not seem interested in finding a solution. 


New Member
New Member

Zoom needs to block this viral Read.AI software.  It is a monster and a disaster.  I'm seriously considering dropping Zoom altogether and just using MS Teams.  Having to block it and keep it out of meetings is absurd.  What 20 something with no office experience designed this?!!