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Whiteboard settings


Participants are unable to annotate the whiteboard anymore.

It seems like an organisational access issue, but it is just a personal account, so I don't have an organisation....

In 'in meeting whiteboard' settings under 'whiteboard sharing defaults' I get the error "your admin has disabled this setting for your organisation".

Any help greatly appreciated!


Zoom Employee
Zoom Employee

Hi @erinhales 

Can you give more details like screenshots of the error you meet? And I want to confirm:

1. You use classic whiteboard or new whiteboard

2. Did you share the whiteboard to meeting, but participants cannot edit because of no toolbars?

Thanks @AlisonOwO 

The forum won't allow me to attach screenshots!

I'm trying to use new whiteboard, and I am sharing the whiteboard to the meeting, the participants don't have edit permission so can't see a toolbar.

I'm not sure whether the participants are not in the same organization.

If your account admin has disable to share the whiteboard with external user, while you share whiteboard to a meeting, participants from other accounts or organizations cannot edit it 



I don't have an organisation though, my zoom account is just me! So I am the admin? Despite this, I can't change the settings...

You should be the admin I think.. But you cannot change the share setting in my above screenshot in😂 So bad...

I can't change any permissions settings. But then I also don't have a "whiteboard cloud sharing" settings menu.