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Urgent Attention Needed: Unapproved Charges and Lack of Support


Dear Zoom Community,

We are reaching out to share a troubling experience we’ve been facing with Zoom that has significantly impacted our organization both financially and operationally. Since March 14, 2024, we have been erroneously billed for services we did not authorize, which has compelled us to seek assistance and resolution through this platform.

Unapproved Subscriptions:

  1. Premier Support: We were automatically subscribed to the Premier Support service with an annual fee of $10,525 CAD. This subscription was added without our consent and, disappointingly, has not included any support at all. Even if you need it, don't take it. We didn't want it at all. 

  2. Large Audience Webinar Service: Additionally, Zoom has enrolled us in an annual service costing $8,632 CAD per month, designed to broadcast to 10,000 participants—a service completely unnecessary for our operations. We were charged for one month of this service along with the Premier Support, totaling $19,157 plus taxes.

Despite our efforts to resolve this through multiple channels—including phone calls, emails, and support tickets—we have not received any refunds nor substantive responses. The lack of support and unauthorized charges have placed us in a precarious position, and more frustratingly, the subscriptions have not been halted.

Our Request to the Community and Zoom:

We are appealing to both the community and Zoom management for an urgent review and resolution of our situation. We believe in transparency and the power of community support in resolving such critical issues. We ask for Zoom’s immediate intervention to:

  • Review our account for these unauthorized charges.
  • Provide a full refund of the accumulated charges.
  • Cease all future billings for these services.
  • Offer an explanation for how these subscriptions were added without our consent.

To other community members, we encourage you to review your accounts for any discrepancies or unauthorized additions. It’s crucial to remain vigilant to ensure you are only charged for services you explicitly approve.

We hope by bringing this to your attention, we can prevent similar situations for others and prompt a reconsideration of internal controls and customer interaction protocols at Zoom. Our goal is not only to resolve our issue but to ensure that the community as a whole can trust in the fairness and transparency of billing practices.

Thank you for your support and attention.



Mat LeB, 

Small Business Owner





I have been in a similar situation. We are forced to contact Zoom support to make changes to our plan, and we have been trying to contact them for six weeks (via email forms, ticket requests, chats) and we have not received any response or help. We have been rebilled in the meanwhile for the old incorrect plan we've been trying to change. I'm shocked at the lack of response from the Zoom team. 

It's unbelievable, have never seen this. There is no services. We have to tell everyones to be careful with this dishonest company.  We consider this as a fraud. Right now, AMEX is dealing with them to get the money back.  They are stronger than us. I hope we gonna have good news. 


Just to share in case it is of help to anyone, we finally received attention from the Zoom Support team and they effectively handled all of our requests. I was finally able to get in contact with the Zoom Support team through their ticket system: