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How to set up multiple zoom accounts

  • I have a contractor that wants to join their company's zoom account, however I have my own personal account. I think the contractor is setting up my zoom account with the same email I use for my personal account and this may present a problem, but I'm not sure. I did get a message stating that I can get a refund. I do not want to combine my personal zoom account with the contracting company I am doing consultant work. Is this a simple fix? Do I need to provide them with a different email address, so my personal isn't combine? Or can I have 2 zoom accounts associated with the same email. 

Community Champion | Customer
Community Champion | Customer

Hello Nachelle. I am not sure if this can help but some E-Mail providers support "adding" Aliases to your Main E-Mail: i.e Microsoft and GGoogle. By using this mechanism, you can virtually may have multiple "IDs/EMails" ubt all of them receiving the EMails/Notifications into the same Main EMail Account. This is especially useful when you need to create temporary EMails attached to your main email and I think your use-case might be a perfect one.

Let me be more explicit with an example:  Let's assume you have a GMail account *********** and your person Zoom account IS is under that EMail ***********

The company "XYZ" you are working with can create a Zoom account but using an E-Mail ***********  (the key is in the "+extension") so this way, it is a completely different EMail from the Zoom perspective, but all the notifications/emails, login into the other company XYZ, etc. will be done with this new EMail/Alias:  Two different EMails, with two independent Zoom Accounts  but all of them converging into your original GMAIL  account.

Using this mechanism, you could be consulting 2 different companies and having 3 differnt Zoom accounts including your own personal one.

***********     Personal Zoom Account

***********      Zoom account with Company XYZ

***********     Zoom account with Company ABC


Of course...the first thing you need to do if to verify your E-Mail provider supports this; I know Microsoft and Gmail do, but a quick test by sending to yourself an email to "<your email>+<extension>" you should be able to verify it.


I know it works because I do it with my GMail account and I have tested it with my Corporate Microsoft account.


PS: An additional collateral advantage is that you will know from where the EMail is coming by looking at what destination was used.

I hope it is not too late and this can help keeping your personal Zoom account intact.

Thank you for this, but I am confused.  I asked the company to send the invite to a different gmail account I have and zoom still reverts to the invitation to merge and for me to lose my personal account.  Are you saying that they need to send the invitation to a Microsoft email or a yahoo email?

Community Champion | Customer
Community Champion | Customer

I can see most of the important exemplifying information got redacted; if is not fully clear let me know, I will do it outside this message and send a screenshot.


Community Champion | Customer
Community Champion | Customer




okay-- where and how can I create this "alias" email for the other company

and why would the other gmail address not work