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Adding a second license to my account


I paid for an annual PRO subscription to Zoom for just myself. I just paid it this month and I paid for the entire year so I won't be billed again until next September. I decided to add a second license and it looks like I have to put "2" licenses when I buy a second license and then pay for both of them. I didn't add the second license yet because I don't want to pay an extra $149 that I cannot get back. Is Zoom going to charge me for my original PRO subscription all over again instead of allowing me just to pay for one more? For example, I already paid $140 + tax for my annual subscription. When I tried to add a second license Zoom wanted to charge me $280 + tax.



Clearly my math is wrong. I meant to write $298 + tax. I can't edit my message a second time since I already edited it once. Zoom is not user-friendly or straight forward. If Zoom is going to be this difficult I'm ready to look for another platform.