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Whiteboard clearing as I switch between whiteboard and zoom meeting


In the past, I could switch between full screen zoom meeting, and the whiteboard, and what I put not he whiteboard would stay on the whiteboard as I switched back and forth. Now, each time I leave the whiteboard and return the it sets up a new whiteboard.  


I do see that I can select an 'existing whiteboard' and that act of doing that each time as I switch back and forth multiple times during a meeting is an extra step I'd prefer not to take. 


Any helpful thoughts on returning to how it was? 


Zoom Employee
Zoom Employee

Hi @EyourE thank you for reaching out! When you say switching between a full screen zoom meeting and the whiteboard, do you mean switching between screen sharing in the meeting and a whiteboard that was already open? If I am misunderstanding anything, please feel free to attach a screen recording here of your entire flow so that I can see and hopefully help you. Thanks!


Hi, thank you very much for responding. I'm not sure I explained it very well.  In the past, I would switch in and out of screen share to the whiteboard, and each time I returned to the whiteboard it would be the same as when I left it. Now, it is blank when I return. 

I did see that I can choose which whiteboard to return to, but I'd prefer to skip that step if/when possible. 


I'll see about making a video. 

Hi EyourE, because we are using "new whiteboard" now. In classic whiteboard, we will keep the whiteboard content when you back from the meeting, but in new whiteboard, we will create a new whiteboard everytime you share it. I think this does seem somewhat unreasonable and easy to use, will discuss with our team to make our new whiteboard to be consistent with classic whiteboard. If you think "keep content" is very important in this case, you can go to the meeting settings "" to find "whiteboard (classic)" setting, then uncheck the "use whiteboard by default if available" to keep using classic whiteboard" as screenshot below. Regarding this issue, we will find a suitable solution as soon as possible.



This fix is important to me, too.


What features are we missing from classic whiteboard because new whiteboard doesn't retain information?

Hi, actually, our new whiteboard offers richer functionality, but there may be instances where it doesn't sync with the behavior of the classic whiteboard, resulting in an unfamiliar user experience. If you find the new whiteboard challenging to use, you can temporarily switch back to the classic whiteboard. Our team will review all cases to align both whiteboards more closely in functionality as soon as possible.


Hi, thank you very much for responding. I'm not sure I explained it very well.  In the past, I would switch in and out of screen share to the whiteboard, and each time I returned to the whiteboard it would be the same as when I left it. Now, it is blank when I return. 

Yes, I think the inconsistency lies in the behavior between the new whiteboard and the classic whiteboard. Our team will discuss about it and find a best solution.