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Hiding and unhiding frames from my students (but not from myself) on Whiteboard

New Member
New Member

Hey! Could you tell me please how to hide and unhide frames from my students? For example, I'm teaching a lesson and I created some frames with learning materials and exercises, but I also want to place the answers for myself (but I don't want students to see them). How do I do that? I've found the feature to hide/unhide frames, but when I hide the frame it becomes invisible for me too. Please help)


Community Champion | Zoom Employee
Community Champion | Zoom Employee

@milik - When you are sharing a whiteboard, it is completely shared, their currently is not way to lock content so others can't see it.  One possible solution for you is to associate a link to the frames to another document/board which the students do not have access to, so you would be the only one who would be able to navigate the links to the answers.