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Zoom App is silent when iPhone is locked


Hi all - we have the Zoom mobile app installed on an iPhone. When the iPhone is locked, either by the user locking it or by the iPhone timing out to the lock screen, incoming calls to the Zoom app are silent. Personal calls to the iPhone still ring when it's locked, just not Zoom. It shows a missed call, but there's no audible alert. If the phone is unlocked, the Zoom call rings. Any ideas? 


Community Champion | Zoom Partner
Community Champion | Zoom Partner

please check iphone->settings->notifications->notifications style=>zoom.  allow notifications should be turned on.  please see screen shot.

My settings match those of your screen shot but it still doesn't work when my iPhone is locked


Community Champion | Zoom Partner
Community Champion | Zoom Partner

hi sparrella,

you need to be signed into zoom phone in order for it to ring.  even if the iphone is locked, zoom calls will ring.


you might double check to see if all the iphone permissions for zoom are enabled.

Getting started with iOS – Zoom Support


thanks  eliot

I'm having a similar issue, when my phone isn't on Wifi and is locked my phone rings but when i answer it says this call can't be connected, this call has been answered.  and disconnects


All settings are as listed above - any idea?


I want to say I just found the solution for this. It is a setting within Zoom and not iOS. Zoom considers the app/device to be Offline when the app is not open or the device is locked. Under Call Queues > Call Distribution is a checkbox 'Skip offline devices and phone numbers when ringing', make sure this is unchecked.



Screenshot 2023-03-07 at 2.27.48 PM.png

I tried this and it fixed the issue. Thanks for the tip!

There is no "more options" to select for me...

Screen Shot 2023-09-06 at 11.53.51 AM.png

Change that Simultaneous drop-down to Sequential and then “More Options” will appear. Just ensure it’s unchecked and save the changes and this should fix it. 

I meant to say, just ensure that “Skip Offline Devices When Locked” is unchecked and save your changes. 

We had the same issue at our school with several teachers. Our fix was to log the user out of all devices under User Management -> Users -> Profile - Sign Me Out From All Devices. This is after verifying the notifications settings are correct on the iPhones and all the call handling options through Zoom Admin.

This worked for me!

Geez. I had two support tickets open with Zoom. 

"Uninstall the app, reinstall it".  "Update your ios to the latest". "Change your focus settings".

Then you come along and indicate there's a solution, and it works!

Me thinks zoom hasn't become expert on their own voip product yet.

Thank you Scott Shafer. 


Awesome. Thanks for that tip!  I was able to see the "More options" now.

Alas, "skip offline devices" was already unchecked. I saved again, but we're seeing the same issue. thanks for trying.

Does Zoom really not have any support that will respond to this?  I submitted a ticket yesterday, but still haven't had a reply.


It just shows a "notification" on iphone that there was a call. No option to answer it.Screen Shot 2023-09-06 at 12.09.40 PM.png

Make sure your desktop clients are updated and clear the browser cache.


done and done. same result. thanks very much for thinking this through with me!