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Where is this Contact Center Management ?


I am trying to find the so called Contact Center Management , can someone please tell me where it is?


Thank you!


Community Champion | Customer
Community Champion | Customer

Hello @ET198 The "Contact Center Management" should be on the left menu un der "ADMIN"; ZCC can be deployed independently so there are no dependencies with the Zoom Core Services so even if you are a Super Admin, you won't see that Management option unless you are added as a user into it; if you have ZCC in your account and you don't see the ZCC Management, I suspect is because you haven't been added to it, so whoever gets configured as the first ZCC Admin/User should be able to add you: It will use a ZCC license. See the screenshot below showing where it should show and how it looks like:



From your screenshot, it sems you might also have the Zoom Virtual Agent, and if you a ZVA Administrator, you should be able to see the Virtual Admin Management in the left menu as well.

Let me know if this was the reason. Mark as Solution if it helped answering your question.

