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SMS Campaign Rejection


I work for a nonprofit organization and we have been trying to get an SMS campaign submitted for months. I have followed the campaign creation checklist to a T, and I continue to get vague rejection messages that don't make sense based on all the work we've done to make our campaign legitimate. It's frustrating because we don't use Zoom texting for any commercial purposes anyway- we rely on it to communicate with our clients. Below is the message I got with our most recent campaign rejection:

  • Upstream CNP declined sharing request for campaign CWIOFGR. Explanation: Opt in message does not have brand or disclosures, Inadequate details on website consent method

I left the Opt-in Message as it was when I submitted the form (Zoom automatically creates it for you, and I would assume they do so with the appropriate requirements in place) so I'm confused as to how that could be the issue. Here's the message: "Text START to receive text messages from [our org name here]. Message frequency may vary. Message and Data Rates may apply. To end messaging from us, reply with STOP. Reply with HELP for more information."


Below is the info I provided in the website consent method box:

  • Description: Consumers opt-in to receive messages when they submit some webforms by checking a box to receive communications from [our org name here]via SMS text. If the box is not checked, they will not receive messages. These forms include a disclosure which states that messaging and data rates may apply, frequency may vary, and they can reply STOP any time to opt out of SMS messages.

Does anyone know why we are still getting rejected? I even sent a screenshot of our web forms to Zoom support, and they said that the opt in/opt out messages we wrote on the checkbox section were adequate. Any help would be greatly appreciated, our ability to serve our community depends on this essential function. Thanks!



I have the same issue, our company like many others aren't sending SMS as a means of  marketing campaign. Sometimes our clients have our zoom phone numbers and text us on it and we need to respond. I ended up turning of sms all together since we can receive but not send/reply.  This was my rejection and like you said vague and irrelevant since we're not using sms for such purposes. 
"You do not have a privacy policy on your website, /Your privacy policy mentions that you sell data, You do not have SMS disclosures on webforms that collect phone numbers on your website ." Vague like you said...which is it, we don't have privacy policy or it mentions we sell data? I don't even know what that last part means.  It's just too big of a hassle after trying and waiting for over a month to get it set up and approved. 

This is what frustrates me. I understand if we're doing text campaigns, but a client randomly texting me should not and does not require opt-in/out messaging. And the fact that I had to create a website just to add the privacy policy is even more lame. My website is literally my business name and the privacy policy. I don't even have contact information on there. I just purchased the phone and am already debating going back to using my personal cellphone. No other 10DLC was this difficult to complete.

Personally if it were me in your shoes I'd go with a different provider or get a dual sim card/cell phone for personal and business. 


I'm sorry to hear you're having this same issue. I did hours and hours of work to add the 'SMS disclosures on webforms that collect phone numbers' and it sounds like it's still not what they're looking for... incredibly frustrating and could very much be alienating people in the meantime. Best of luck to you and your org with the changes you've had to make. 


Ditto for us.  Our rejection says, "Your brand website could not be verified. You do not have a privacy policy on your website. Your privacy policy mentions that you sell data."

Nobody else has a problem finding our website AND our privacy policy.

If we "do not have a privacy policy on (our) website"...then how can it mention that we well data?  Here IS our actual privacy policy on our website: "No mobile information will be shared with third parties/affiliates for marketing/promotional purposes. All other categories exclude text messaging originator opt-in data and consent; this information will not be shared with any third parties."

C'mon Zoom, ya gotta help us out here!

Did you provide a direct link to the privacy policy? That's so bizarre... I'm sorry you're having that experience.

I'd suggest adding in your company's legal name to the poilcy. I updated mine to say, "at company llc, no mobile information will be shared or sold to third party...." then included all that you had and that error cleared.

OK, did that and resubmitted.  Pending now...  Thanks for the suggestion!

It's funny that you simultaneously do not have a Privacy Policy and that this missing privacy policy says you sell data."


Sounds like Zoom has outsourced to the lowest bidder the review process and they're just pounding rejections like a monkey on a keyboard.



We have similar issue 'our brand website could not be verified, You do not have a privacy policy on your website, /Your privacy policy mentions that you sell data, You do not have SMS disclosures on webforms that collect phone numbers on your website , Campaign description is unclear/ insufficient'. Zoom could be helping its customers in the campaign otherwise its loss for all. 

Zoom Partner
Zoom Partner

Were you able to figure this out? Our campaign was rejected for the same reason. 

Nope...and a call to Zoom support was met with, "outside our control."

Do you have forms on your website (like a Contact Us or any event registrations, payment forms, etc.) that require a phone number in order for a site visitor to submit them? We rely on phone number collection to corroborate contact records in our CRM system, so we had to update all of our forms with a disclosure statement - like the one I shared in my original post. But it sounds like this still doesn't cut it for Zoom. I'm not sure what more they are asking for.


We are going to fill out the form very carefully with each step this time and see what happens. Zoom isnt 'technically' involved or (understandably) responsible for the outcomes so we are going to take it up ourselves. It took us two weeks to get rejected. I will update y'all what happens this time. 

Thank you for keeping us updated! I followed all instructions to a T and even verified that our disclosures would work with the backend team... and still rejection.


Is anyone from Zoom monitoring the forums and have a suggestion or two?


For the Opt In message, the error cleared out when I included "you can review our privacy policy here" and included a direct link to our policy (instead of our home page). Otherwise, like you, I received an error with their canned message. I would also include the "privacy policy" verbiage in your description. That cleared those errors up for me (granted, I have other issues now).

Dang!  Wish I had seen this before I resubmitted.  Now it won't let me change anything 'til no longer "Pending."

Here's hoping that you don't have to try again, but if you do, now I'll be curious to see if that's truly what cleared mine or not. 


Same issues as everyone else.  Followed the instructions, used the examples they provided and yet still rejected.  Not happy about the lack of live support for issues such as this.  Looks like as of tomorrow, we'll be blocked since our submissions are in rejected status.  I thought Zoom was a superior phone product but am beginning to look elsewhere.

No, I think we're on our own as our own Ohana.  (went Chaminade in college)


Our company SMS campaign was rejected for this reason. 

  • Upstream CNP declined sharing request for campaign CQK8SXB. Explanation: You do not have a privacy policy on your website. Your privacy policy mentions that you sell data

We do have a privacy policy on our website. Here is the link:


The privacy policy does not say anything about selling the data.


Not sure how to address this. Please help. 

Misery loves company...join the crowd.

I didn't read through your policy, but does it say "we do not sell your information"? versus "we do not share"? I noticed when I changed mine to use the words "do not sell", that specific error cleared. I covered my bases with "do not sell or share". Next time, try that and see if it clears it.


I work for a non-profit and we have followed the instructions exactly. We have tried so many times now and received the worst, most incompetant customer service. They even suggested we have an attorney review it. Guess what? I am an attorney. It's been over 6 months now. We liked zoom to start with, but this is getting absolutely ridiculous. We give them a link to our website and they still say it's either not there or that it doesn't have the required information. 

Our latest rejection states:  "On your OPT in message add the following text- Message and Data Rates may apply."


I scroll down and read our opt-in message:  "Message and Data Rates may apply." 


It is obvious a human is not reviewing these.  It is non-sensical.  We have been trying to get a campaign passed since November 2023 and we are a non-profit.

Maybe if you watched Zoom's newest online seminar about this 10,000 times in a row without stopping it would allow us to tap into an alternative dimension where the reviewers' average IQ is 50 points higher?

Community Moderator | Employee
Community Moderator | Employee

Hello there, 

We're sorry for the late response and inconvenience.

The issue with the rejection normally is due to the policies on the websites mentions selling or sharing customer data to third parties and/or affiliates or vaguely not being able to address this. Your privacy policy must be updated to remove this language.

You may use this sample verbiage to update your policy: “No mobile information will be shared with third parties/affiliates for marketing/promotional purposes. All other categories exclude text messaging originator opt-in data and consent; this information will not be shared with any third parties”.

You may check out this webinar for more information. 


Thank you and have a great day!

Zoom Community Team
Have you heard of Zoom AI Companion?

Thanks, Mark...if you're real and not just AI.  If you would read the responses above, we have all been following your suggested text above EXACTLY.  And still get rejected.  I've signed up for the (supposedly) live webinar to see if I can get any better explanation.  I apologize if this is too snarky - obviously very frustrated with this whole process.

That is the exact verbiage on our website. Who is working at zoom? I'm starting to believe they pay an agency to reject every campaign and just spout the same rejection language every time that has absolutely no relation to anything. It would be like if I was arguing in court and just yelled "Objection!" to everything without any reason. The judge would hold me in contempt after maybe 2 minutes. Zoom needs to be held in contempt. 

My campaign rejection message said nothing about our privacy policy being the issue. The message said " Explanation: Opt in message does not have brand or disclosures, Inadequate details on website consent method" 

I used the opt-in message that was autofilled by Zoom and has our company name as well as the disclosures included. 


The webinar was a waste of time. They did a super surface level review of all of the information that is already readily available, and then told us to call Zoom Support with any additional issues. I called and was told I would receive an email follow up. The 'follow-up' was just an email letting me know my ticket was closed. 

Well, but hopefully you got some more "badges!"  🤣

🤣They just closed the ticket. 🤣


Here we are just getting in the way of the KPIs.


I can relate to your situation! We faced similar issues with our SMS campaigns at Globe SIM Registration. We found it helpful to include our brand name in the opt-in message. It should also have a link to our website's consent details. You might want to specify your nonprofit's name. That small change made a big difference for us. Hope this helps!