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how can i cancel my voice's echo



Community Champion | Customer
Community Champion | Customer

Welcome to the Zoom Community, @lucia23.


Usually this happens when another computer nearby has Zoom audio of the same meeting.  Zoom is pretty good about eliminating echo/feedback when it hears the audio from your own speakers, headsets, etc.  But the time delay of audio from adjacent computers -- if it makes it to your microphone -- is something Zoom can't quite eliminate.


If multiple people in the same room are going to be attending the same meeting, it's preferable for everyone to have headsets, earphones, or other "personal listening devices".


There is a possibility that some setting in your computer is feeding back your Zoom speaker's audio into your microphone (internal to the computer -- not through your speakers and microphone). See if turning down your computer's output volume reduces or eliminates the echo/feedback.


One other possibility: the problem could be with feedback from another participant who is listening to you with their speakers turned up... you're hearing your voice back after it goes to their computer, and back to yours.  Again, normally Zoom will take care of this, but not under all conditions.

Ray -- check out the GoodClix website or the Z-SPAN website.