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Zoom only allowing users to see a month's worth of meetings at a time




We have just logged into Zoom and noticed that we can no longer see all of our scheduled meetings at once. Instead, we have to enter a date range and only a month at a time can be selected. This is really unhelpful as we schedule numerous meetings months in advance and can often not remember the exact date so being able to scroll through all of our meetings is useful. Making us have to search through our meetings a month at a time takes what used to be  a two minute task and turned it into one that can take ages, and also because this "new feature" is not widely known, we are getting bombarded with other users panicking because they think their meetings have been lost.


Is there any way to turn this terrible feature off and go back to being able to see all of our meetings?


Thank you!


You are not stuck.  Google "Zoom Alternatives".  There are many options.  I have another similar thread which has been going for a couple of months with only community member responses, and other threads that are a couple of years with the same issues.   Cut your losses.  File a complaint with your credit card company for a refund for non-functioning services.  And in the meantime, find something that will work better for you.  Don't put yourself through these headaches for another 7 months.  By then you could be very well-versed in another platform or two (one as a backup).  And whatever you spent here that you can't get back will disappear like the tide.


There is no such thing as making a simple complaint to zoom. They have no customer service reps, even using the feedback form they tell you to use the feedback form! 

They will send you back here to check in the community for a resolution. It is an endless loop.  Threads like this have been ongoing for several years now - with no resolutions.  Cut your losses.  Google "Alternatives to Zoom".  There are many.


Hi, we've also experienced this issue but found a workaround by using the Zoom desktop app instead of the web browser version. We first had to enable the 'Display meetings scheduled for others' setting, from within account settings > meetings > admin options. This allows you to select everyone, or individuals that you have scheduled meetings for. From within the app, click meetings and then select everyone/the individual and all the dates appear on the left hand menu. Hope that helps! 

Thanks will try that but still irritated that it’s necessary! Thanks a lot 

When you use the Desktop APP, the url does not show up in the window which at least one payment processor has required to verify meeting attendance of clients. 


I successfully submitted a trouble ticket last week and received the following reply a few days ago: "Our backend team is already aware of this and is currently working on a fix that is estimated to be released next month."  So fingers crossed ....

well hopefully it gets fixed this month! thanks for giving us the response they gave you! 


I agree-- remove the date range feature to view meetings. I want to see all my meetings, not just a month's worth. Remove this feature. It was better before. 

Community Moderator | Employee
Community Moderator | Employee

Hello there, 

I'm sorry for the inconvenience this has caused and the late response.

Our engineering team is now aware of your feedback and is working to extend the filter's range. 

We do not have an estimated time when it will be extended, but once we have the information, we will update you on this thread. 

For now, thank you for your patience and understanding.

Zoom Community Team
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why extend it - we need it removed please? We need to see all our meetings without having to alter settings. if you read the comments you will see this and see that people are really irritated and beginning to move services. 


We have no alternative as you do not refund our payments

If you paid with your credit card, contact your credit card for a refund.  Google "Zoom Alternatives".  There are many available depending on your needs and location.


I agree with many other users that this new feature limiting the display of meetings over a one-month period is just extremely annoying and has already led me to lose at least one hour looking for meetings for which I did not remember the exact date.

This feature should at best be completely suppressed. If for some technical reason you do not want to do so, then define at least two years as the longest time period searchable at once.

My Zoom subscription runs until December, and I will doubtless consider switching to another tool if the problem is not solved until then.

Did you see?  Zoom decided to extend it... by only three months.  Why would they do that when they could have fixed the issue?  The problem remains the same: we cannot view all of our meetings. 

Don't extend it, get rid of it! Whose idea was it to seriously complicate a simple thing? For the first time since starting with Zoom in 2020, I am thinking of going elsewhere.


Google meet is integrated with your calendar and is free! 


Agree! It's frustrating that they changed the option to view all at once. It's tough to track all the meetings we used to be able to plan for the entire year in advance.  I hope this is fixed as the dev said over the next month!

People have been talking about this and other basic features for over two years.  This is not a priority to them. 


Just received what seems to be the final response on this:

"We just received an update from our Engineering team that we improved how meetings sync with third-party calendars like Outlook and Google. However, the filter range was changed to 30 days as part of the improvement. Due to the feedbacks that we received for this change, our Engineering team looked for a solution on how to further expand the dates available when viewing upcoming meetings. You should be able to filter their meetings by a three-month range."

I know this isn't the update most users want especially since we used to be able to see ALL of our meetings, but I did go in and confirm that the date range has been extended to three months.

How completely absurd.  So... we heard you, and while we could easily open the date range, we aren't going to do so.  Quite unimpressive, Zoom.

So just get rid of it. Simple

Get rid of the calendar or Zoom?  If I was a Zoom "engineer", it would already be done.


I submitted a ticket last month and had good communications with their support. I was notified yesterday (Sept 9) that they have changed the interface to allow a three-month view at a time. The calendar selection tool also seems to work better. Although not as ideal as the all-at-once scroll, this is a significant improvement from the 30-day view and is good enough for my needs.

Community Moderator | Employee
Community Moderator | Employee

Hello there,

Thank you for waiting.


The filter range for meetings has now been extended to 90 days. Previously, it was set to 30 days due to recent improvements we made to enhance synchronization with third-party calendars like Outlook and Google. The temporary adjustment to 30 days was necessary to ensure these updates worked smoothly.


We appreciate your patience and understanding with this.

Zoom Community Team
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