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Zoom mutes me when other people talk


When on Zoom the other people cannot hear me if they are talking. It is as if my audio feed is subordinate to everyone else's.  Multiple people can talk at the same time and be heard, but not me. I can only be heard if I am the only person talking but as soon as someone else starts talking my audio stops. I can hear them but they can't hear me. Also, my Zoom frame/box almost never lights up.

I have the latest version of Zoom on a 2019 iMac using the internal mic. How can I stop this, so I can talk over people in the same way they can?


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Plug in some earbuds or headphones or noise suppression will become confused.





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My mother has the same problem. She uses zoom on iPad and whenever she is talking the slightest sound from someone else stops her microphone from working. It is very annoying. We all have to be extremely quiet when she is trying to say something.


I have the opposite problem! Any time I am talking and the other person tries to speak, I can't hear them until/unless I stop speaking and then their audio comes back. Did you happen to find out what was causing the issue for you? Maybe it's the same problem I have. 


I solved the problem by getting my Mum some earphones with inbuilt microphone. When she uses them we can have a normal conversation. 

Thank you, I'll give that a try! 



That's how I solved it too - earphones with a built in microphone.

Was this the only option you found? I've been looking for a while now and I haven't found a solution, It happens in all meeting platforms, zoom, huddle, teams, etc.

Thanks Julia! I just realized that this same problem happens with all meetings apps, such as Huddle in slack or Teams, I reached apple support and told me to try on Safe Mode which I have not done yet.


 If you're experiencing issues with your audio on Zoom, where others cannot hear you when multiple people are talking, there are a few potential solutions you can try. First, online virtual legal assistant check your audio settings within Zoom. Click on your profile picture or initials and select "Audio" from the left sidebar. Make sure the correct microphone is selected as the input device and adjust the microphone volume if needed.

Next, test your microphone to ensure it's working properly. In the Zoom audio settings, click on the "Test Mic" button to record a short audio clip and play it back. If you can hear your own voice clearly during the playback, your microphone is functioning correctly.

If the issue persists, consider using an external microphone instead of the internal one on your iMac. External microphones generally offer better audio quality and can help mitigate any conflicts with other participants' audio. Connect a compatible external microphone to your iMac and select it as the input device in the Zoom audio settings..........

I just realized its not with Zoom only, it happens on every meeting app such as Teams, huddle on slack, etc. I reached apple support and they asked me to try in Safe Mode and verify if problem persists. I don't have this problem when I use an external microphone. 

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Community Champion | Customer



Plug in some earbuds or headphones or noise suppression will become confused.





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This isn't really a fix for me. 

The muting problem started recently, and wasn't a problem before. 

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Community Champion | Customer

Zoom expects one person to be speaking, if you all speak at once then nobody will hear.


I am having the same issue. Is it the MAC and what was your fix? I have done all of the updates.

I resolved it by using external earbuds with mic. Problem solved.


It looks like more people are having this situation with Mac, a coworker just told me she has the same problem. I even went to a MacStore with their IT team and they didn't have a solution for me and since it's not a critical issue there's nothing they can do. The only solution I got; since I use my mac for work and we usually debate on calls, is to have earbuds. And I don't think this is a real solution for what we´ve paid for our computers...


I have been having this issue too, recording podcasts on zoom but only SINCE starting to use ear monitors. I use a Shure sm7b with an audio interface.  I haven’t tried to see if it does it without the ear monitors but I never had a problem before. I’m baffled at how EarPods fixed the issue for you. I can’t talk to someone without it swallowing half of my words. Does anyone else have a better fix??