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Zoom crashes while recording meeting on new MacBook M1 Pro


Hi, I can have a regular zoom meeting with no crashes, however when I turn on recording, the app will crash within 30 minutes. Usually its as a quick as 2 minutes. Please advise.

107 REPLIES 107

filed as  (#14040997)

I'm experiencing the same issue as everyone else - M1 Pro as andrewsims mentioned.
Recording locally with no screen share and getting regular crashes. 


Hi there,


I switched to an M1 (Max) processor two weeks ago from an Intel system and these crashes began happening IMMEDIATELY upon switching. So I can duplicate this crash, absolutely. 


I only do local recordings, so it's not related to cloud recording. I also don't do screen sharing at all - or even video for most sessions!


I'll enable real-time logging and see if I can get you a report, but I just want to reiterate: this is a very real problem.

I'm curious, did you migrate from your Intel to the M1 or did you do a full install from scratch?

@KevinClawson yes, I used Migration Assistant to move from an iMac Pro to a Mac Studio.

For what it’s worth, I recorded almost 5 hours tonight without issue. The only thing i did was uninstall zoom from the Zoom menu, reboot, and reinstall. 


My issues started after I did indeed *migrate* from an Intel to an M1 Max.  I did not do a clean install of the OS

Same here, so the Intel version did an in-place upgrade to the M1 version. I wonder if that might be part of the issue

FWIW I uninstalled and reinstalled Zoom, it made no difference. I doubt if it's Migration Assistant related.

Did you reboot in between? I have no idea if it helps or anything, just curious. I did and I recorded for maybe 15 minutes today without issues, but that may not mean anything...

@KevinClawson I shut down and reboot every day, and the problem persists, so... yes

Bummer. Was hoping mine was fixed, but I guess I won't know until tomorrow night. For what it's worth to the Zoom folks following along, I am also on a brand new MacBook Pro with the M1 Pro chip


Good luck @jsnell !

Community Champion | Employee
Community Champion | Employee

Hello @KevinClawson


 Just to make you all aware, I am following this thread and we are aware of this issue. I have not obtained information on any fixes to date, but I will update the team as soon as I hear anything. Thank you all for your diligence and patience on this issue. 




Brandon (he/him/his)
Zoom Community Champion
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Is there any news on a new update to fix this please? I'm constantly saying no to the update prompts so I'm not aware when one might have landed that is the fix.

Thank you. 


@YaBoiB Is there any update on a fix for this issue please? 

Community Champion | Employee
Community Champion | Employee

@Millsy ,


 Yes, this issue was resolved back in late June to my knowledge. I am sorry. I got a new position at Zoom that is taking up a lot of my time so I do not get many opportunities to check my notifications on this page. I will try to do better from now on. 




Brandon (he/him/his)
Zoom Community Champion
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This happened to me today — a one-on-one Zoom call with local recording and Zoom crashed without warning after about 40 minutes. I reconnected with my client and started recording again and Zoom crashed without warning after 23 minutes. Fortunately I was still able to convert the recordings but I've lost a lot of confidence in Zoom at this point. I have a brand new Mac Studio with the M1 Max chip and have only ever installed the Apple Silicon version of Zoom. I'm running version 5.10.3 (6420).

I heard from Zoom today that they seemed to have identified this issue and it will be fixed in a forthcoming update.


In the meantime, everyone, the workaround is pretty simple: Uninstall zoom, download the non-Apple Silicon version of Zoom, turn off updating, and refuse all update prompts. I've never seen this crash running the Intel version via Rosetta. (Then update when Zoom pushes out a fix for this issue.)

Thank you! Glad to hear they're working on a fix. Hope we're notified once it's available


I too have not had this issue while running the non-Silicon version

Has anyone heard any update on when exactly a fix will be released? Just checking in since it's been about two months now since Jsnell heard the good news

Community Champion | Employee
Community Champion | Employee

Hi All, 


 My apologies. I used to work in support and now that I have my new role I am not as informed as I used to be. So, if support is stating that they are working on a solution in an upcoming release then I would take that as good information. Support techs get updated through our ticketing system daily,  and they have Zoom chat channels where they pass information to each other like this. My apologies for passing outdated news to you all. 




Brandon (he/him/his)
Zoom Community Champion
Have you heard of Zoom AI Companion?


It happened to me today, Zoom crashed while converting a recording of 2h15. How can I get it back. It is no where to be found and i must provide the recording. 


This is still happening to me, has a consistent fix ever been posted?

Community Champion | Employee
Community Champion | Employee

@CarlWilson , 


 Yes, we have not had any further reports of this issue since 5.12.0 was released. Can you tell me more about what you are experiencing? 




Brandon (he/him/his)
Zoom Community Champion
Have you heard of Zoom AI Companion?


i have the same issue i think its a programming issue

I have not had any issues since they release an update a long while ago. Definitely update your zoom client!

Community Champion | Employee
Community Champion | Employee

I can assure you that it is not a programming issue. 

Brandon (he/him/his)
Zoom Community Champion
Have you heard of Zoom AI Companion?

oh ok well i already updated it and i have all bars of internet please tell me why