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Zoom automatically split the recording in 4 parts. Why?


Hi there,

I recorded a Zoom meeting, and for the first time ever Zoom recorded it in parts.

This never happened before. Does anyone know why?

And how I can avoid this/make sure it does not happen again?


Thank you!




Same issue here! Has happened twice in two weeks and INCREDIBLY ANNOYING as I need to share the sessions to paying customers! Anyone know if this is a known error that is being fixed or if there's something I need to do on my part to prevent it from happening?

Community Champion | Customer
Community Champion | Customer

Hi @laura2110 


Are you doing cloud recording or local recording?


Your cloud recording settings can be edited here:




@Rupert the settings page you referred to doesn't seem to have any setting that would control this behaviour. The only thing I'm testing is changing the  "Play voice prompt for" to "Guest only" (not All Participants). We'll see if that changes anything. Super annoying!

I had a meeting yesterday that I recorded too... it was not split in the recording. and the settings were the same... so I guess this is not the solution... unfortunately.

Are we to guess around? when Zoom is the provider? shouldn't they help us when something like this which is seemingly not intended and downgrading the service (and my work too), is happening???

Hi Rupert,

I am doing cloud recording.

I checked the link you sent me (cloud recording settings), but it does not mention the recording being split in several parts at any time.

So unfortunately the problem persists...

I feel this is really annoying, as the other zoom user said.

I registered a meeting yesterday and it did not happen. The recording was one piece just like the meeting.

Do you have an answer?

I feel it's really disappointing there's no way to reach the zoom support with my "normal" paying account... (do you know a way?)

This is not according to the service I know and have been buying!


Thank you for your reply!




I'm doing cloud recording and for some reason the automatic voice message of "This meeting is being recorded" sounded several times during the meeting today (without me touching any of the buttons!). As if the recording was interrupted or cut off and restarted several times and thus it created the separate files for each recording "session". 
Does the voice message warning sound each time someone joins the room? Does that cut off the recording each time? 🤔

I did not have anybody join during the meeting... maybe theres a technical problem with the zoom server... I wonder

I did not hear the voice, but that could be because of my headset during yoga class, it cuts of the sound... so once I put it on, I cannot hear anything coming from the computer

Community Champion | Employee
Community Champion | Employee

Hi @laura2110 


Multiple recordings would normally be present when the recording is stopped and started again during the meeting.  This would also normally result in the audio prompt that the "meeting is being recorded" being played again.  Only host and cohost can actually start and stop the recordings.  If you do not have any co hosts setup that could have controlled the recordings, then I would suggest you contact support to look into this as this would require support to look at your specific account to determine why this would otherwise be happening.

Zoom Help Center

Click on the "Contact Support"
