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Zoom Workplace v6.1.1 does not honor Default Browser in Ubuntu

New Member
New Member

I have Google Chrome set as my default browser. This has been confirmed in chrome itself in Settings -> Default Browser.


When clicking any link in (say) Zoom Workplace 6.1.1 chat, Firefox is started.


This is problematic because I have to use Google Chrome for authentication as required by my company.


Zoom Workplace v6.1.1 does not honor Default Browser in Ubuntu



New Member
New Member

Okay, I stand corrected (somewhat).  To further clarify, I am on Kubuntu running KDE Plasma.


So you can have have the following set and Zoom will still launch Firefox:

$ xdg-settings get default-web-browser


To change, in KDE Plasma Settings -> Applications -> "Default Applications" there is an additional "Web browser:" setting.


Once you change "Web browser:" to "Google Chrome", Zoom will default to using Chrome.


Problem solved.


Leaving here for future troubleshooting for others....