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Zoom MSI config -Anyone want to take mercy on me?


Anyone want to take mercy on me and explain how the mass deployment MSI is configured/edited?

Yes, I've seen the article "Mass deployment with preconfigured settings for Windows"

I don't understand how to open/edit the MSI so switches can be edited? Maybe I'm missing it.

It's very frustrating in a way because a lot of this seems needlessly cryptic and poorly explained.

Can someone point me to a step-by-step resource on configuring the MSI so it can be thrown into MS Software Center?

It seems like this should be very simple and straightforward -like a GUI with a left and right window. Left window is clean MSI, edits show up in right to finish/commit edits, done -here's your customized MSI. 


Community Champion | Employee
Community Champion | Employee

Hello @Mark_CSU,
My name is Brandon. Thanks for joining the Zoom Community!


MSI is a script configured in the installer you are using, whether MSI, Intune, etc. 


Here are some configuration commands and their definitions. IMO I can better explain this over a Zoom meeting, but we can try and go over them through the community, and if need be, you and I can connect and join in a meeting to discuss further. 


/package or /iStandard installation commands

msiexec /package ZoomInstallerFull.msi /l*v zoommsi.log

/qnSilent installationmsiexec /i ZoomInstallerFull.msi /qn /l*v install.log
/norestartNever restart option. The installer never restarts the computer after the installation.msiexec /i ZoomInstallerFull.msi /norestart /l*v install.log
/l*v zoommsi.loglog controlmsiexec /i ZoomInstallerFull.msi /l*v zoommsi.log
More options


ZoomAutoUpdateAuto-update: Disabled by default. To enable, append ZoomAutoUpdate="true" to your install choice.msiexec /package  ZoomInstallerFull.msi /lex zoommsi.log ZoomAutoUpdate="true"
ZoomAutoStartAuto-start with Windows: Disabled by default. To enable, append ZoomAutoStart="true" to the end of your install choice.msiexec /package ZoomInstallerFull.msi /lex zoommsi.log ZoomAutoStart="true"
ZSILENTSTARTAuto-start Silently with Windows: Disabled by default. To enable, append ZSILENTSTART="true" to the end of your install choice.msiexec /package ZoomInstallerFull.msi /lex zoommsi.log ZSILENTSTART="true"
ZNoDesktopShortCutDo not create Desktop Shortcut: Disabled by default. To enable, append ZNoDesktopShortCut="true" to the end of your install choice.msiexec /package ZoomInstallerFull.msi /lex zoommsi.log ZNoDesktopShortCut="true"

Preconfigure SSO URL: Disabled by default. To enable, append ZSSOHOST="your_company." So total SSO endpoints such as, the input can be:

Brandon (he/him/his)
Zoom Community Champion
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Thanks so much for taking the time to reply Brandon. I've seen the tables of command/switches and they are pretty self explanatory. What I'm missing is how to end up with a packaged MSI that contains my config commands. YES, I would certainly like to connect via a Zoom meeting to discuss. Feel free to send a PM with meeting link -or I can send you one.

Again, I really appreciate you taking the time!


Hi @YaBoiB 
            Have followed steps for mass deployment settings of MS Intune. My Requirement is need to remove all the logins except SSO for that have pushed this command line argument ZConfig="nogoogle=1;nofacebook=1;disableloginwithemail=1"

But not working as expected not sure what was the wrong. Please help on this issue. 

Don't see any config in this registry path HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\ZoomUMX\ how can i confirm it's installed on device level or not?

Hi @YaBoiB 
             Can you help?

Community Champion | Employee
Community Champion | Employee

Hello @Barakath


 The disable value is 0 and the enable value is 1 for this parameter. If you are attempting to have all of your users to only use SSO then you will want to change the parameters to ZConfig="nogoogle=0;nofacebook=0;disableloginwithemail=0" 

Brandon (he/him/his)
Zoom Community Champion
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Hi @YaBoiB  Have tried with zero 0 but still not working. This command line argument which have tried 

Any other things need to check? How can i confirm configured on device level or not?

Community Champion | Employee
Community Champion | Employee

@Barakath , on one of the devices, can you please check HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Policies\Zoom\Zoom Meetings\General to see if the settings show up there for you?

@colegs Don't see any zoom folder under HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Policies\ not sure why?

@colegs  Can you help?

Community Champion | Employee
Community Champion | Employee


Sorry, you were correct in your first path, the one I was looking at was for GPO.  I did the install a couple of times, and had to close and restart regedit to see the value (although I did see the Google sign in disappear and reappear).  If you are using the 64-bit install, the key would actually be HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\WOW6432Node\ZoomUMX\Perinstall


You might also want to remove the current version from the machine before trying the install since I am not sure if the installer package checks the version and stops if the latest version is already present.


@colegs  Any solution for this issue? Attached screenshot have only this in this path

Community Champion | Employee
Community Champion | Employee

Hi Barakath,

Your initial command line argument (ZConfig="nogoogle=1;nofacebook=1;disableloginwithemail=1") should be correct.  As @colegs  suggested, you may want to try removing any currently installed versions of the Zoom client, as that may stop the installation, and therefore not make the registry entries.  I don't have InTune to test with, but the option "Ignore App Version" within InTune may have the same effect (by just overwriting the installed version of the app regardless of present version).



Hi @Professor_Zoom 
   Have tried this as well ZConfig="nogoogle=1;nofacebook=1;disableloginwithemail=1" but not working. Have removed the installed zoom and registry then pushed it from Intune but nothing is showing in this registry path apart from enable update: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\WOW6432Node\ZoomUMX\Perinstall


ZConfig is completely broken on user context installs via Intune. It just ignores it.


I'm going to bump this an try to revive since it looks like others have struggled.

In advance, I admit I'm not an applications engineer or well-versed in the subject at hand -but


-Why isn't this just as simple as a two pane application where on left pane you have base MSI provided by Zoom and right pane displays changes you're making...when done, click build/run/etc. and you end up with the custom MSI installer you can hand off to desktop to put in SCCM (MS Software Center) ???


Community Champion | Employee
Community Champion | Employee


 Simple answer. Zoom did not build MSI or SCCM, so like you, we are working with the configurations given. The above question might be better off asked in a Microsoft forum. You can see in our support documentation that we have links that direct you to MSFT documentation.


I am not an applications engineer, but I know that MSI, Intune, and SCCM all have different configuration values. We try to cover any configurations in our support documentation. I understand that the Zoom technical writers have spent many hours developing the above documentation to make it as straightforward as possible for our customer base. The best way to solve these issues with MSI that I have found is through a support ticket. Our team is very familiar with Zoom MSI, SCCM, Intune, and any other IDP that integrates with Zoom for pushing software to their user database. It can be attempted to solve this over the community forum, but it is challenging. 




Brandon (he/him/his)
Zoom Community Champion
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