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Zoom Host on Google Workspace


Hello, how do you start a meeting as the host when using Zoom through Google Workspace calendar? I get a message that says "Please wait for host to start the meeting"  But I am the host.  I cannot start the meeting.   Also, the host email address is different than the Google Workspace email address. That may be the problem. I do not know how to change it. Any suggestions?  


My other question is what is the time limit for using Zoom through Google Workspace when you only have one guest? Is it unlimited or 40 minutes? 


Zoom Employee
Zoom Employee

Sounds like you are not signed-in on the desktop client and officially recognized as the host, which is why its asking you to wait for the host. Try opening the Zoom desktop app and signing in to your Zoom account. Once that is done, try clicking on one of the links created through Workspace. 


The time limit for Zoom meetings is still dependent on if you are a Licensed user or a Basic user, regardless of if the meeting was scheduled through Google Workspace or otherwise. 

  • Licensed user - up to 30-hours for meetings with 1-100 participants 
  • Basic user - up to 30-hours for meetings with 1-2 participants, but limited to 40-minutes if there is a 3rd participant or join (ie your guest drops the connection and rejoins). 

Hope that helps and please make sure to mark the solution as accepted if this information is what you needed.


I have the same issue - this did not fix it. My gmail address is K**** and my Zoom account is registered to info@*****.com, another address of mine. Opening Zoom with the info@****.com does not change the fact that any Zoom meeting created on my calendar at K**** registers me as a guest and not the host. It's a major problem, resulting in 40 minute limits being imposed or even an inability to start the meeting. Can this be fixed?