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Zoom Desktop Notifications - HOW TO TURN OFF


Hi there,


Since linking my Gmail and Google Calendar with Zoom desktop app, I continuously get distracting pop-up notifications on my desktop - how do I turn these off?


For any employees at Zoom that may be seeing this: This is such an incredibly simple request, and it's kind of shocking it isn't obvious how to turn these off after a good search through in the settings.  Also, it is also ridiculous that this is the only support that is offered for a paying customer of Zoom - why not simply a LiveChat?  Very ridiculous, and very frustrated.


Thanks to anyone who can help solve this simplest of requests.



Ditto   I do not want to link my  MICROSOFT calendar   w/ constant notifications- so disruptive.  I tried a thousand different ways to turn off  NOTHING WORKS    Insanity.


How is this not easier?  Zoom - no one wants your intrusive notifications!  Now tell me how to turn them off.  It shouldn't be this freaking hard. 


What is this new notification thing that is happening? I never used to have pop-ups and now they're here. I have my settings for no notifications, yet I'm getting them. EXTREMELY DISRUPTIVE especially when I'm hosting a meeting or doing something time sensitive.  I hope whoever came up with this brilliant </s> idea has four flat tires every day until this is fixed. 

Community Moderator | Employee
Community Moderator | Employee

Hi all! To turn off notifications for a synced email account, go to your desktop client "mail" tab, then select the settings wheel icon on the far right. From there, go to Email preferences > General > Push Notifications "off"

email notifications.png


For meeting notifications, also while in the desktop client select your profile picture in the top right to access the main menu, then select Settings > General > deselect "Remind me x minutes before my upcoming meetings".

meeting notifications.png


Please let me know if this works for you! If you continue to receive notifications after these settings are changed, we can continue to troubleshoot.

Zoom Community Team
Have you heard of Zoom AI Companion?

Thank the Virginia this does work.  Appreciate this support.  

This really should be easier though, I think that is probably apparent from the comments here.  I thought that Mail tab was a virtually identical to the Gmail interface, and so didn't both looking around much.  Would be better if there was simply a 'Mail' or 'Notifications' in the master Zoom settings.  

Community Moderator | Employee
Community Moderator | Employee

@garthlaidlaw Thank you for your feedback regarding the settings! I'll make sure our Mail & Calendar team receives this thread and the request to centralize the settings.

Zoom Community Team
Have you heard of Zoom AI Companion?

I have similarly been annoyed by these notifications, but when I had a look at this setting, it was already disabled, but pop up notifications were still coming up. I'm using Zoom on Linux. 


Seperately, it would be so much better if the notifications were handled by the OS' notification system, rather than drawing over the screen. Among other things, it is impossible to dismiss the Zoom notifications - it's either snooze or join. 

Did you ever resolve this? I am using Zoom on Ubuntu Linux, and I get popups from Zoom for every event since I connected my Google Calendar. It's handy for Zoom meetings, but I already have a reminder solution and don't need Zoom to do it.

The tutorial does not work when one uses Outlook as their email client.  I cannot locate a push notification setting in Outlook where Zoom is integrated into my calendar to turn off notification or notification settings.


I am having having the same issue. Its time to go to Teams I think, Zoom you are losing an organization here. I am the CEO and fed up with this crap.

There are no settings under email. I am about to delete zoom for good this is making me so upset. Your support did not help at all.

I think it must have moved, and Zoom/VA didn't update the solution in this thread yet. I used the search bar after giving up finding it through any logical navigation of the settings menus, and found it here (I think):

Meeting > Schedule Meeting

Upcoming meeting reminder

Receive desktop notification for upcoming meetings. Reminder time can be configured in the Zoom Desktop Client.

I can also confirm that this doesn't work.  The former tab 'mail' isn't present at all (so I assume I don't have my email synchronised in some appropriate way), the latter "Remind me ___ minutes before my upcoming meetings" is unchecked yet I'm still spammed with notifications that never expire.

Why make push notifications for meeting reminders that remain on screen for days/weeks?  What substance have your product team had their faces buried in to think it's sensible to force a push notification for a meeting that happened last week?

I agree, this is a super annoying feature and should be an option to turn on or off.  The fix you suggested - that will turn off all notifications, not just zoom...?  That's not an appropriate fix.  And I read it doesn't work.  

I use the Zoom web client. I haven't synced any calendars with Zoom and don't plan to do so. Yet about ten days ago, I started getting desktop notifications of meetings. I cannot have this. I turned these notifications off in Zoom, but they still occur.  How do I turn them off when I don't have a synced email account?


Just wanted to chime in how absolutely absurd this 'feature' is and that it seems to be turned on by default. Mind-boggling how anyone thought that was a good idea to spam every email you get. Does anyone at zoom realize how many emails everyone gets constantly? It's a non-stop barrage of notifications that sit above any application I'm working on. How could this get passed any QA or user testing? Blegh.


Add my voice to the chorus saying this is a problem. I've spent an hour trying to get the notifications turned off, including following Virginia's steps. I thought I had it figured out but just got another unwanted notification. As another example of what is not working, the page at the following link refers to a notifications tab. I have yet to find a notifications tab:,Ena....

This is SUPER frustrating. I managed to completely UNLINK my google account from Zoom via the Google Settings > Data & Privacy > Third-party apps and services. And deleted the Zoom connection. Next time Zoom opened up, I made sure not to give Zoom all of the requested access. These desktop notifications SUCK!! 


I like the popup - but, I don't like the sound (DING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!) - There should be an option, IF the "Remind me ###" option is enabled, to enable/disable "Play sound".


Zoom's original appeal was that it was designed for my benefit, not for theirs. Plot has been lost.