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Zoom Deleting My Meetings


This has gone on for multiple years now. Our company schedules several Zoom Meetings to be held in the upcoming year, throughout the entire year. Inevitably, some of these Meetings will be deleted from Zoom without our knowing. We are not deleting them on our end and we do not receive notice that they are deleted. Of the several Meetings we schedule for the year, some will be deleted but not all.


After they are scheduled (always using Zoom desktop), we do not touch these meetings. All that happens is the link is put into an automated email for participants to use to access the Meeting.


Please advise!


Community Champion | Employee
Community Champion | Employee

@glseminars - I have not heard of any issues with future meetings being deleted programatically.  Are these recurring meetings where individual instances are not showing up anymore, or are they individual meetings that are disappearing?  Are they only on the host calendar(s), or are people invited so they show up on their calendars as well?  How far out are you scheduling them, and how far out do you realize they are not longer there?

Thanks for the reply! These are mostly individual meetings. Some are recurring only for 1 day since they are a 2-day course but no longer than that. We don't mess with the calendars; they are not added to ours and guests are not invited to add them to theirs. I copy and paste the meeting invitation into our course registration system (Arlo) so that registrants receive the Zoom link upon registration. That also acts as our "calendar" though it is not an actual calendar app/website; it is a registration system for companies that host courses/events. The meetings are scheduled 6 mo-1 year in advance, as we release our course schedule the year prior. We usually notice some from the Fall dates are deleted. They are never in our trash/recently deleted so we have no way of knowing when they were deleted. The mystifying thing is that it is not all or nothing. For this year, we had all dates Aug - Dec deleted EXCEPT for a meeting in Sept and a meeting in Nov, which were still in tact. No rhyme or reason why those two meetings were kept and the others deleted.

Community Champion | Employee
Community Champion | Employee

@glseminars - Have you opened a support ticket on this?  I definitely have not heard of anything like this, and we cannot publish details such as meeting numbers, etc. on the community forum, so it would be good to get a support ticket opened with as much information as you have so the engineers can look at back end data to hopefully figure out what is going on there.