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Users meetings are being auto-recorded despite this setting being turned off.


We have several users reporting that their calls are being auto recorded. This happens under any event with a Zoom meeting attached. Auto-record is turned off on the org level and when people make the event, yet when the meeting starts, they find that they are being recorded. We've found a short term fix by using the Web portal to edit each event to turn off auto-recording, but this isn't really a solve. Does anyone have a better solution? 


Community Champion | Zoom Employee
Community Champion | Zoom Employee

Hello @edelfert


 You can have Zoom generated meetings and you can also have a PMI Zoom call, which is your personal room within Zoom with a dedicated Personal Meeting ID. 


What I believe that is happening with these users is that they have a setting enabled to schedule meetings using their PMI and there PM settings have auto-record enabled. This setting is separate from the org level settings. 


You can check in two places if I am correct about this issue. One is the users affected personal meeting rooms. 


Screenshot 2023-01-27 at 5.17.33 PM.png


 The second is at the org level and it is under account management > account settings > schedule meetings > Use Personal meeting ID (PMI) when scheduling a meeting. 


Screenshot 2023-01-27 at 5.18.45 PM.png


I would check the org level first if it were me. 


Let me know if that helps. 




Brandon (he/him/his)
Zoom Community Champion
Have you heard of Zoom AI Companion?


Hi @YaBoiB 


Thanks for the response! I checked with a couple of the effected users and it doesn't appear that they had auto-record enabled. This was under Personal > Meetings > Personal Room and I tried hitting edit and show more options but couldn't find anything. 


At the org level that setting is turned of. Are you saying it should be on? 

Community Champion | Zoom Employee
Community Champion | Zoom Employee

Hi @edelfert


 The users themselves might have to change that setting, because that is a personal setting. 


I am pretty sure that this is the issue. I admin a small account that I use for testing, I will check it out and see what it looks like on my side. 



Brandon (he/him/his)
Zoom Community Champion
Have you heard of Zoom AI Companion?