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Use Zoom API to Create a Meeting and Upload a Recording

New Member
New Member

Hi Zoom Community,

I’m looking to understand if there’s an option using the Zoom API to create a meeting and upload a recording to it.

For example:

  1. I create a meeting manually using zoom web
  2. After the meeting, I download the meeting recording and transcript.
  3. I then want to upload this recording and transcript back to Zoom and associate it with a different (new) meeting created via the API.

Essentially, I’m trying to determine if there’s an API endpoint or functionality that allows upload recordings to be linked to a specific meeting on Zoom, similar to how native recordings are stored in the Zoom Cloud.

If this is possible, could you provide guidance or direct me to the relevant API documentation? If not, are there any recommended workarounds or alternative approaches to achieve this use case?

Thank you in advance for your help!