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Use Transcript to produce meeting minutes


Hello.  I am currently using Zoom Pro for my organization's meeting.  I would like to record an annotated transcript to aid in producing meeting minutes.  By annotated I mean a transcript in which the current speaker is identified.


As I understand the licensing, I can't test the transcript option unless I upgrade to a Business license but I dont want to do this until I can confirm that the transcript recording will contain speaker identification.


I have found conflicting reports in other posts that are not current and haven't found a good example anywhere.


Can anyone point to an example of a transcript of a meeting that has been produced with the current version of Zoom?


(I know Otter supposedly does speaker ID, but it must be trained for each speakers voice (AFIK).  Speaker info is in the live stream and should be able to be retrieved real time with high confidence. )


Thanks for your help,






Community Champion | Employee
Community Champion | Employee

Hi @DanP , 

You quite lucky, as there have been some recent updates to the standard live transcription during live meetings that solve your issue! 

Currently, transcripts for cloud recordings do require a Business plan, but automated transcription in meetings is available for all accounts. In a recent update to the desktop client, the transcript that is saved (manually in the meeting, so don't forget!) includes the speaker attribution.

I just tested this to confirm my name was included in the manually saved transcript. 

You can find out more about live transcription here:


I also ran a quick test and the recording transcript available for Business accounts also provides the speaker attribution in the downloaded transcript file. 


Hope that helps and please make sure to mark the solution as accepted if this information is what you needed.


Thank you. I have tried but the option wasn't there. I will update and try again. 


@DanP, to ease the pain of creating and sending meeting minutes, you can use an AI meeting assistant. What it does is it not only records the meeting (video & audio), it transcribes it, and the best part - is the highlights. The AI is able to label important part of your discussion and mark it accordingly. And after the meeting, it will automatically send an email to all attendees with the recording. So no need to follow up with the link anymore. 😁

Check the attached screenshot to see what I mean. I'm using Meetgeek.

Thank you for response.  I looked at Meetgeek but was disappointed that it didn't identify the speakers.  This makes us have to listen to recording which is time consuming.


Teams Pro version will do this, I believe.



Hmm, that's strange, it worked out really well for me. The only time when it can't identify the speakers is when you upload a recording.
If you'll use it to join your live meetings, it should be able to label the speakers properly.

Please see my response, below.  I hit the wrong reply button.


I hadn't used it yet.  I was going by the sample on their website showing speakers are not identified.  Also we do local recording.


Do you have to train the system to identify speakers?  Are they identified by the name associated with the feed or as "speaker 1" "speaker 2" etc.


I will investigate further,

Thank you for getting back,



Meetgeek has native integration with your calendar, this is the most important source; from here we take the names and emails (to send the email summary at the end).

The Zoom meeting is linked with the calendar information and provides us with all the data we need to identify and label the speakers. 🙂

Thank you for staying with me Daniel-Pirciu.  Is it possible for only the host to use Meetgeek and have this functionality?  I can see it working if I use Zoom Outlook add-in that would automatically post meeting in calendar with link to meeting invite with all the attendees.  You'd get emails addresses, but not necessarily speaker names depending on email address including attendee's name.

How is information gleaned from calendar associated with who is speaking at a particular time?

Or point me to a demo of to show how this works.

I'm just about ready to recommend we give this a try, but don't want to yank anybody's chain unless I'm sure this will work.


Thanks again for answering my questions.

