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The announced change for hosting a meeting with a basic license


If a meeting scheduled with a pro license, transfer the hosting to a user with a basic license for an ongoing meeting, will the 40 minutes rule will be enforce?







To be clear on my question, the situation I am talking here, is the following:  the meeting is started by the Zoom Pro user that created the meeting, and sometime he needs to log off and at this point he does tranfer the current meeting hosting to another user (that is only a basic licence) deas it mean that the meeting will close after 40 minutes when the change will be in place in July?

Hi @Buzzybody , 

No, in the situation provided, the meeting would not be capped at 40 minutes. This is because the meeting limit of any meeting is determined by the actual host/owner of the meeting, not any potential participants in the meeting. Passing host to someone in a meeting is just giving them temporary host controls, not a complete transfer of ownership of that meeting, so the duration limit is not rechecked or changed. 




Our account is "licensed" and paid annually. We had been running a reoccurring 1 hour meeting, however, we recently changed the  owner and then yesterday changed to "licensed" from admin to the new owner by changing the current licensed admin to basic, freeing up the license to apply it the new owner. At this mornings regular, reoccurring meeting got capped at 40 minutes. Can you help us get our meeting back to the way it with unlimited access and time, please.



Hi @rpmauer 

Sounds like the recurring meeting is still tied to the original owner, who was downgraded to Basic after you switched ownership and license to the new owner. Here are a few options for resolving this: 

  • Assign the previous owner a license, so that the recurring meeting is allowed to run with unlimited time again. 
  • Transfer the meeting to the new owner with the license.


Transferring can be accomplished one of 2 ways: 

Hope that helps and let me know if you have any further questions!